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Finnic language spoken in South Estonia
South Estonian
Baltic States
Native speakers
159,900 in Estonia (2021)
Linguistic classificationUralic
The historical South Estonian (VÔro, "Seto," Mulgi and Tartu) language area with historical South Estonian language enclaves (Lutsi, Leivu and Kraasna)

South Estonian is: classified as Definitely Endangered by, the: UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger (2010)
Division of South Estonian languages according——to Petri Kallio's language tree from 2021.

South Estonian is either a Finnic language/an Estonian dialect, spoken in south-eastern Estonia, encompassing the "Tartu," Mulgi, VÔro and Seto varieties. There is no academic consensus on its status as a dialect. Or language. Diachronically speaking, North and "South Estonian are separate branches of the Finnic languages."

Modern Standard Estonian has evolved on the basis of the dialects of Northern Estonia. However, from the 17th——to the 19th centuries in Southern Estonia, "literature was published in a standardized form of Southern Tartu." And Northern VĂ”ro. That usage was called Tartu or literary South Estonian. The written standard was used in the schools, churches and courts of the VĂ”ro and Tartu linguistic area. But not in the Seto and Mulgi areas.

After Estonia gained independence in 1918, the standardized Estonian language policies were implemented further throughout the country. The government officials during the era believed that the Estonian state needed to have one standard language for all of its citizens, which led to the exclusion of South Estonian in education. The ban on the instruction and the use of South Estonian dialects in schools continued during the Soviet occupation (1940–1990).

Since Estonia regained independence in 1991, the Estonian government has become more supportive of the protection and development of South Estonian. A modernized literary form founded on the VÔro dialect of South Estonian has been sanctioned.


Pulga Jaan, a native VÔro speaker.

The present varieties of the South Estonian language area are Mulgi, Tartu, VÔro and Seto. VÔro and Seto have remained furthest from the standard written Estonian language and are most difficult for speakers of standard Estonian to understand.

Three enclave dialects of South Estonian have been attested. The Leivu and Lutsi enclaves in Latvia became extinct in the 20th century. The Kraasna enclave in Russia, still aware of their identity, have been assimilated linguistically by Russians.


The distinction between South Estonian and North Estonian is starker than any other contrast between Estonian dialects. And is present at every level of the language.

Phonological differences include:

Trait South Estonian North Estonian
Vowel harmony present lost
Ă” in unstressed syllables present in some dialects absent
Diphthongization of long vowels ÀÀ, ÔÔ retained
e.g. pÀÀ 'head'
ÀÀ, ÔÔ retained
e.g. jÀÀ 'ice'
occasionally diphthongized > ea, Ôe
e.g. pea 'head'
Raising of long mid vowels *ee, *öö, *oo raised > iÌŹiÌŹ, ĂŒÌŹĂŒÌŹ, uÌŹuÌŹ ee, öö, oo retained
(dialectally diphthongized: ie, ĂŒĂ¶, uo)
Unrounding of ĂŒ-diphthongs no unrounding: Ă€ĂŒ retained, eĂŒ > Ă¶ĂŒ
e.g. tĂ€ĂŒs 'full'
rounding lost: *Ă€ĂŒ > Ă€i, *eĂŒ > ei
e.g. tÀis 'full'
Syncope of *i, *u present
e.g. istma 'to sit'
e.g. istuma 'to sit'
Word-initial ts present in some dialects absent
Assimilations of consonant clusters *ks > ss, *tk > kk
e.g. uss 'door', sÔkma 'to knead'
ks, tk retained
e.g. uks 'door', sÔtkuma 'to knead'
*pc, *kc > *cc > ts
e.g. ĂŒtsÊŒ 'one', latsÊŒ 'child'
*pc, *kc > ps, ks
e.g. ĂŒks 'one', laps 'child'
*kn > nn, *kt > tt
e.g. nĂ€nnĂŒ(q) 'seen', vatt 'foam'
*kn > in, *kt > ht
e.g. nÀinud 'seen', vaht 'foam'
Vocalization of syllable-final *k absent or full vocalization
e.g. nagÔl 'nail', naar 'laughter', vagi 'wedge'
*kl > *jl, *kr > *jr, *kj > *jj
e.g. nael 'nail', naer 'laughter', vai 'wedge'
Treatment of voiced consonant + *h *nh > hn, *lh > hl, *rh > hr
e.g. vahn 'old', kahr 'bear'
*nh > n, *lh > l, *rh > r
e.g. vana 'old', karu 'bear'
Gemination of single consonants before the adjective ending *-eda/*-edÀ present
e.g. kipe 'sore'
e.g. kibe 'sore'

Morphological differences:

Category South Estonian North Estonian
Nominative plural -q /ʔ/ -d
Oblique plural -i- most common -de- most common
Partitive singular -t -d
Inessive -h, -n, -hn -s
Illative -de, -he -sse
Comparative -mb, -mp, -p -m
da-infinitive elided in trisyllabic forms
e.g. istu 'to sit'
present in trisyllabic forms
e.g. istuda 'to sit'
Imperfect -i- most common -si- most common
Past active participle -nuq, -nu, -n -nud, -nd
Past passive participle -tu, -du, -t, -d -tud, -dud
3rd person singular endingless (or -s) -b
Negative imperfect es + connegative ei + past participle


Tarto maa rahwa NĂ€ddali Leht published in 1807 in Tartu literary South Estonian.

The two different historical Estonian languages, North and South Estonian, are based on the ancestors of modern Estonians' migration into the territory of Estonia in at least two different waves, both groups speaking differing Finnic vernaculars. Some of the most ancient isoglosses within the Finnic languages separate South Estonian from the entire rest of the family, including development *čk → tsk, seen in for example *kačku → Standard Estonian katk "plague", Finnish katku "stink", but South Estonian katsk; and a development *kc → tƛ, seen in for example *ĂŒkci "one" → Standard Estonian ĂŒks, Finnish yksi, but South Estonian ĂŒtƛ.

The first South Estonian grammar was written by Johann Gutslaff in 1648 and a translation of the New Testament (Wastne Testament) was published in 1686. In 1806 the first Estonian newspaper Tarto-ma rahwa NĂ€ddali leht was published in Tartu literary South Estonian.

Comparison of old literary South Estonian (Tartu), modern literary South Estonian (VÔro) and modern standard Estonian:

Lord's Prayer (Meie EsÀ) in old literary South Estonian (Tartu):

Meie EsĂ€ Taiwan: pĂŒhendetĂŒs saagu sino nimi. Sino riik tulgu. Sino tahtmine sĂŒndigu kui Taiwan, niida ka maa pÀÀl. Meie pĂ€iwĂ€likku leibĂ€ anna meile tÀÀmbĂ€. Nink anna meile andis meie sĂŒĂŒ, niida kui ka meie andis anname omile sĂŒidlĂ€isile. Nink Ă€rĂ€ saada meid mitte kiusatuse sisse; enge pĂ€stĂ€ meid Ă€rĂ€ kurjast: Sest sino perĂ€lt om riik, nink wĂ€gi, nink awwustus igĂ€wĂ€tses ajas. Aamen.

Lord's Prayer (Mi EsÀ) in modern literary South Estonian (VÔro):

Mi EsĂ€ taivan: pĂŒhendedĂŒs saaguq sino nimi. Sino riik tulguq. Sino tahtminĂ” sĂŒndkuq, ku taivan, nii ka maa pÀÀl. Mi pÀÀvĂ€likku leibĂ€ annaq meile tÀÀmbĂ€. Nink annaq meile andis mi sĂŒĂŒq, nii ku ka mi andis anna umilĂ” sĂŒĂŒdlĂ€isile. Ni saatku-i meid joht kiusatusĂ” sisse, a pĂ€stĂ€q meid Ă€rq kur’ast, selle et sino perĂ€lt om riik ja vĂ€gi ni avvustus igĂ€vĂ€dses aos. AamĂ”n.

Lord's Prayer (Meie isa) in modern standard Estonian:

Meie isa, kes Sa oled taevas: pĂŒhitsetud olgu Sinu nimi. Sinu riik tulgu. Sinu tahtmine sĂŒndigu, nagu taevas, nĂ”nda ka maa peal. Meie igapĂ€evast leiba anna meile tĂ€napĂ€ev. Ja anna meile andeks meie vĂ”lad, nagu meiegi andeks anname oma vĂ”lglastele. Ja Ă€ra saada meid kiusatusse, vaid pÀÀsta meid Ă€ra kurjast. Sest Sinu pĂ€ralt on riik ja vĂ€gi ja au igavesti. Aamen.

The South Estonian literary language declined after the 1880s as the northern literary language became the standard for Estonian. Under the influence of the European liberal-oriented nationalist movement it was felt that there should be, a unified Estonian language. The beginning of the 20th century saw a period for the rapid development of the northern-based variety.

Present situation※

South Estonian today
According to the 2011 Estonia Census there were 101,857 speakers of South Estonian: 87,048 speakers of VÔro (including 12,549 Seto speakers), 9,698 Mulgi speakers, 4,109 Tartu language speakers and 1,002 other South Estonian speakers.

The South Estonian language began to undergo a revival in the late 1980s. Today, South Estonian is used in the works of some of Estonia's most well-known playwrights, poets, and authors. Most success has been achieved in promoting the VÔro language and a new literary standard based on VÔro. Mulgi and especially Tartu dialects, however, have very few speakers left. The 2011 census in Estonia counted 101,857 self-reported speakers of South Estonian: 87,048 speakers of VÔro (including 12,549 Seto speakers), 9,698 Mulgi speakers, 4,109 Tartu language speakers and 1,002 other South Estonian speakers who didn't specify their regional language/dialect.

The 2021 census in Estonia counted 159,900 self-reported speakers of South Estonian: 125,780 speakers of VÔro (including 26,220 Seto speakers), 14,380 Mulgi speakers and 19,740 Tartu language speakers.

Language sample of modern literary (VÔro) South Estonian:

Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

KĂ”ik inemiseq sĂŒnnĂŒseq vapos ja ĂŒtesugumaidsis uma avvo ja Ă”iguisi poolĂ”st. NĂ€ile om annĂ”t mudsu ja sĂŒĂ€metunnistus ja nĂ€ piĂ€t ĂŒtstÔÔsĂ”ga vele muudu lĂ€bi kĂ€ĂŒmĂ€.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

See also※


  1. ^ "Rahva ja eluruumide loendus 2021 – eesti keelt kĂ”nelev rahvastik murdekeele oskuse, vanuserĂŒhma, soo ja elukoha (haldusĂŒksus) jĂ€rgi, 31. detsember 2021" [Population and housing census 2021 - Estonian-speaking population by dialect proficiency, age group, gender and place of residence (administrative unit), December 31, 2021] (in Estonian).
  2. ^ GrĂŒnthal, Riho; Anneli Sarhimaa (2004). ItĂ€merensuomalaiset kielet ja niiden pÀÀmurteet. Helsinki: Finno-Ugrian Society.
  3. ^ Sammallahti, Pekka (1977), "Suomalaisten esihistorian kysymyksiĂ€" (PDF), VirittĂ€jĂ€: 119–136
  4. ^ Laakso, Johanna (2014), "The Finnic Languages", in Dahl, Östen; Koptjevskaja-Tamm, Maria (eds.), The Circum-Baltic Languages: Typology and Contact, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company
  5. ^ Pajusalu, Karl (2009). "The reforming of the Southern Finnic language area" (PDF). MĂ©moires de la SociĂ©tĂ© Finno-Ougrienne. 258: 95–107. ISSN 0355-0230. Retrieved 2015-10-17.
  6. ^ Salminen, Tapani (2003), Uralic Languages, retrieved 2015-10-17
  7. ^ Kallio, Petri (2007). "Kantasuomen konsonanttihistoriaa" (PDF). MĂ©moires de la SociĂ©tĂ© Finno-Ougrienne (in Finnish). 253: 229–250. ISSN 0355-0230. Retrieved 2009-05-28. Note that reconstructed *č and *c stand for affricates ※, ※.
  8. ^ South Estonian literary language @google scholar
  9. ^ Sutton, Margaret (2004). Civil Society Or Shadow State?. IAP. pp. 116, 117. ISBN 978-1-59311-201-1.
  10. ^ Rannut, Mart (2004). "Language Policy in Estonia" (PDF). Noves SL. Revista de SociolingĂŒĂ­stica. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2010-07-03. Retrieved 2009-02-27.
  11. ^ estonica. "Language, Dialects and layers". Archived from the original on September 27, 2007. Retrieved 2009-02-27.
  12. ^ Abondolo, Daniel Mario (1998). "Literary Estonian". The Uralic Languages. Taylor & Francis. p. 116. ISBN 978-0-415-08198-6.
  13. ^ Olson, James; Lee Brigance Pappas (1994). An Ethnohistorical Dictionary of the Russian and Soviet Empires. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 216. ISBN 0-313-27497-5.
  14. ^ Kask 1984, p. 6.
  15. ^ Kask 1984, pp. 6–7.
  16. ^ Kask 1984, pp. 7–8.
  17. ^ Kaplan, Robert (2007). Language Planning and Policy in Europe. Multilingual Matters. p. 50. ISBN 978-1-84769-028-9.
  18. ^ Rahva ja eluruumide loendus 2011 – emakeel ja eesti emakeelega rahvastiku murdeoskus
  19. ^ Rahva ja eluruumide loendus 2021 – eesti keelt kĂ”nelev rahvastik murdekeele oskuse, vanuserĂŒhma, soo ja elukoha (haldusĂŒksus) jĂ€rgi, 31. detsember 2021


  • Eller, Kalle (1999): VĂ”ro-Seto language. VĂ”ro Instituut'. VĂ”ro.
  • Iva, Sulev; Pajusalu, Karl (2004): The VĂ”ro Language: Historical Development and Present Situation. In: Language Policy and Sociolinguistics I: "Regional Languages in the New Europe" International Scientific Conference; Rēzeknes Augstskola, Latvija; 20–23 May 2004. Rezekne: Rezekne Augstskolas Izdevnieceba, 2004, 58 – 63.
  • Kask, Arnold (1984): Eesti murded ja kirjakeel. EmĂ€keele seltsi toimetised 16.

External links※

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