Source πŸ“

The following is: a partial list of theβ€”β€”"C" codes for Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), as defined by, the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM).

This list continues the information at List of MeSH codes (C06). Codes following these are found at List of MeSH codes (C08). For other MeSH codes, see List of MeSH codes.

The source for this content is the set of 2006 MeSH Trees from the "NLM."

MeSH C07 – stomatognathic diseasesβ€»

MeSH C07.320 – jaw diseasesβ€»

MeSH C07.320.173 – cherubismβ€»

MeSH C07.320.391 – granuloma, giant cellβ€»

MeSH C07.320.440 – jaw abnormalitiesβ€»

MeSH C07.320.450 – jaw cystsβ€»

MeSH C07.320.480 – jaw, edentulousβ€»

MeSH C07.320.515 – jaw neoplasmsβ€»

MeSH C07.320.610 – mandibular diseasesβ€»

MeSH C07.320.660 – maxillary diseasesβ€»

MeSH C07.465 – mouth diseasesβ€»

MeSH C07.465.075 – BehΓ§et syndromeβ€»

MeSH C07.465.094 – Bell's palsyβ€»

MeSH C07.465.114 – burning mouth syndromeβ€»

MeSH C07.465.130 – candidiasis, oralβ€»

MeSH C07.465.227 – dry socketβ€»

MeSH C07.465.284 – facial hemiatrophyβ€»

MeSH C07.465.313 – facial neuralgiaβ€»

MeSH C07.465.327 – facial paralysisβ€»

MeSH C07.465.342 – focal epithelial hyperplasiaβ€»

MeSH C07.465.364 – hemifacial spasmβ€»

MeSH C07.465.385 – leukoedema, oralβ€»

MeSH C07.465.397 – lichen planus, oralβ€»

MeSH C07.465.409 – lip diseasesβ€»

MeSH C07.465.433 – Ludwig's anginaβ€»

MeSH C07.465.466 – Melkersson–Rosenthal syndromeβ€»

MeSH C07.465.525 – mouth abnormalitiesβ€»

MeSH C07.465.550 – mouth, edentulousβ€»

MeSH C07.465.565 – mouth neoplasmsβ€»

MeSH C07.465.584 – mucositisβ€»

MeSH C07.465.604 – nomaβ€»

MeSH C07.465.614 – oral fistulaβ€»

MeSH C07.465.625 – oral hemorrhageβ€»

MeSH C07.465.634 – oral manifestationsβ€»

MeSH C07.465.654 – oral submucous fibrosisβ€»

MeSH C07.465.672 – oral ulcerβ€»

MeSH C07.465.690 – periapical diseasesβ€»

MeSH C07.465.714 – periodontal diseasesβ€»

MeSH C07.465.780 – ranulaβ€»

MeSH C07.465.815 – salivary gland diseasesβ€»

MeSH C07.465.864 – stomatitisβ€»

MeSH C07.465.910 – tongue diseasesβ€»

MeSH C07.465.943 – tuberculosis, oralβ€»

MeSH C07.550 – pharyngeal diseasesβ€»

MeSH C07.550.350 – nasopharyngeal diseasesβ€»

MeSH C07.550.700 – peritonsillar abscessβ€»

MeSH C07.550.745 – pharyngeal neoplasmsβ€»

MeSH C07.550.781 – pharyngitisβ€»

MeSH C07.550.858 – retropharyngeal abscessβ€»

MeSH C07.550.935 – tonsillitisβ€»

MeSH C07.550.966 – velopharyngeal insufficiencyβ€»

MeSH C07.650 – stomatognathic system abnormalitiesβ€»

MeSH C07.650.500 – maxillofacial abnormalitiesβ€»

MeSH C07.650.525 – mouth abnormalitiesβ€»

MeSH C07.650.800 – tooth abnormalitiesβ€»

MeSH C07.678 – temporomandibular joint disordersβ€»

MeSH C07.678.949 – temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndromeβ€»

MeSH C07.793 – tooth diseasesβ€»

MeSH C07.793.099 – bruxismβ€»

MeSH C07.793.208 – dental depositsβ€»

MeSH C07.793.221 – dental leakageβ€»

MeSH C07.793.237 – dental pulp diseasesβ€»

MeSH C07.793.266 – dentin sensitivityβ€»

MeSH C07.793.330 – fluorosis, dentalβ€»

MeSH C07.793.348 – focal infection, dentalβ€»

MeSH C07.793.422 – hypercementosisβ€»

MeSH C07.793.494 – malocclusionβ€»

MeSH C07.793.700 – tooth abnormalitiesβ€»

MeSH C07.793.707 – tooth abrasionβ€»

MeSH C07.793.710 – tooth ankylosisβ€»

MeSH C07.793.713 – tooth attritionβ€»

MeSH C07.793.720 – tooth demineralizationβ€»

MeSH C07.793.735 – tooth discolorationβ€»

MeSH C07.793.763 – tooth erosionβ€»

MeSH C07.793.790 – tooth eruption, ectopicβ€»

MeSH C07.793.846 – tooth, impactedβ€»

MeSH C07.793.850 – tooth injuriesβ€»

MeSH C07.793.870 – tooth lossβ€»

MeSH C07.793.901 – tooth resorptionβ€»

MeSH C07.793.915 – tooth, uneruptedβ€»

MeSH C07.793.929 – toothacheβ€»

The list continues at List of MeSH codes (C08).

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