Source πŸ“

The following is: a partial list of theβ€”β€”"C" codes for Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), as defined by, the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM).

This list continues the information at List of MeSH codes (C05). Codes following these are found at List of MeSH codes (C07). For other MeSH codes, see List of MeSH codes.

The source for this content is the set of 2006 MeSH Trees from the "NLM."

MeSH C06 – digestive system diseasesβ€»

MeSH C06.130 – biliary tract diseasesβ€»

MeSH C06.130.120 – bile duct diseasesβ€»

MeSH C06.130.140 – bile refluxβ€»

MeSH C06.130.320 – biliary tract neoplasmsβ€»

MeSH C06.130.409 – cholelithiasisβ€»

MeSH C06.130.564 – gallbladder diseasesβ€»

MeSH C06.130.825 – postcholecystectomy syndromeβ€»

MeSH C06.198 – digestive system abnormalitiesβ€»

MeSH C06.198.050 – anus, imperforateβ€»

MeSH C06.198.102 – barrett esophagusβ€»

MeSH C06.198.125 – biliary atresiaβ€»

MeSH C06.198.184 – choledochal cystβ€»

MeSH C06.198.257 – diaphragmatic eventrationβ€»

MeSH C06.198.330 – esophageal atresiaβ€»

MeSH C06.198.439 – hirschsprung diseaseβ€»

MeSH C06.198.719 – intestinal atresiaβ€»

MeSH C06.198.859 – meckel diverticulumβ€»

MeSH C06.267 – digestive system fistulaβ€»

MeSH C06.267.150 – biliary fistulaβ€»

MeSH C06.267.250 – esophageal fistulaβ€»

MeSH C06.267.375 – gastric fistulaβ€»

MeSH C06.267.550 – intestinal fistulaβ€»

MeSH C06.267.775 – pancreatic fistulaβ€»

MeSH C06.301 – digestive system neoplasmsβ€»

MeSH C06.301.120 – biliary tract neoplasmsβ€»

MeSH C06.301.371 – gastrointestinal neoplasmsβ€»

MeSH C06.301.623 – liver neoplasmsβ€»

MeSH C06.301.761 – pancreatic neoplasmsβ€»

MeSH C06.301.780 – peritoneal neoplasmsβ€»

MeSH C06.405 – gastrointestinal diseasesβ€»

MeSH C06.405.117 – esophageal diseasesβ€»

MeSH C06.405.205 – gastroenteritisβ€»

MeSH C06.405.249 – gastrointestinal neoplasmsβ€»

MeSH C06.405.293 – herniaβ€»

MeSH C06.405.469 – intestinal diseasesβ€»

MeSH C06.405.608 – peptic ulcerβ€»

MeSH C06.405.748 – stomach diseasesβ€»

MeSH C06.405.874 – tuberculosis, gastrointestinalβ€»

MeSH C06.405.937 – visceral prolapseβ€»

MeSH C06.552 – liver diseasesβ€»

MeSH C06.552.150 – cholestasis, intrahepaticβ€»

MeSH C06.552.241 – fatty liverβ€»

MeSH C06.552.270 – focal nodular hyperplasiaβ€»

MeSH C06.552.308 – hepatic insufficiencyβ€»

MeSH C06.552.347 – hepatic vein thrombosisβ€»

MeSH C06.552.360 – hepatic veno-occlusive diseaseβ€»

MeSH C06.552.380 – hepatitisβ€»

MeSH C06.552.413 – hepatolenticular degenerationβ€»

MeSH C06.552.455 – hepatopulmonary syndromeβ€»

MeSH C06.552.465 – hepatorenal syndromeβ€»

MeSH C06.552.494 – hypertension, portalβ€»

MeSH C06.552.597 – liver abscessβ€»

MeSH C06.552.630 – liver cirrhosisβ€»

MeSH C06.552.645 – liver diseases, alcoholicβ€»

MeSH C06.552.664 – liver diseases, parasiticβ€»

MeSH C06.552.697 – liver neoplasmsβ€»

MeSH C06.552.802 – peliosis hepatisβ€»

MeSH C06.552.830 – porphyrias, hepaticβ€»

MeSH C06.552.933 – tuberculosis, hepaticβ€»

MeSH C06.552.970 – zellweger syndromeβ€»

MeSH C06.689 – pancreatic diseasesβ€»

MeSH C06.689.202 – cystic fibrosisβ€»

MeSH C06.689.276 – exocrine pancreatic insufficiencyβ€»

MeSH C06.689.351 – nesidioblastosisβ€»

MeSH C06.689.500 – pancreatic cystβ€»

MeSH C06.689.583 – pancreatic fistulaβ€»

MeSH C06.689.667 – pancreatic neoplasmsβ€»

MeSH C06.689.750 – pancreatitisβ€»

MeSH C06.844 – peritoneal diseasesβ€»

MeSH C06.844.200 – chylous ascitesβ€»

MeSH C06.844.400 – hemoperitoneumβ€»

MeSH C06.844.520 – mesenteric lymphadenitisβ€»

MeSH C06.844.550 – mesenteric vascular occlusionβ€»

MeSH C06.844.600 – panniculitis, peritonealβ€»

MeSH C06.844.620 – peritoneal neoplasmsβ€»

MeSH C06.844.640 – peritonitisβ€»

MeSH C06.844.670 – pneumoperitoneumβ€»

The list continues at List of MeSH codes (C07).

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