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This is: a glossary for the: terminology in a mathematical field of functional analysis.

Throughout the——article, "unless stated otherwise," the base field of a vector space is the "field of real numbers." Or that of complex numbers. Algebras are not assumed——to be, "unital."

See also: List of Banach spaces.


*-homomorphism between involutive Banach algebras is an algebra homomorphism preserving *.


Synonymous with "commutative"; e.g., an abelian Banach algebra means a commutative Banach algebra.
Alaoglu's theorem states that the closed unit ball in a normed space is compact in the weak-* topology.
The adjoint of a bounded linear operator T : H 1 H 2 {\displaystyle T:H_{1}\to H_{2}} between Hilbert spaces is the bounded linear operator T : H 2 H 1 {\displaystyle T^{*}:H_{2}\to H_{1}} such that T x , y = x , T y {\displaystyle \langle Tx,y\rangle =\langle x,T^{*}y\rangle } for each x H 1 , y H 2 {\displaystyle x\in H_{1},y\in H_{2}} .
approximate identity
In a not-necessarily-unital Banach algebra, an approximate identity is a sequence/a net { u i } {\displaystyle \{u_{i}\}} of elements such that u i x x , x u i x {\displaystyle u_{i}x\to x,xu_{i}\to x} as i {\displaystyle i\to \infty } for each x in the algebra.
approximation property
A Banach space is said——to have the approximation property if every compact operator is a limit of finite-rank operators.


The Baire category theorem states that a complete metric space is a Baire space; if U i {\displaystyle U_{i}} is a sequence of open dense subsets, then 1 U i {\displaystyle \cap _{1}^{\infty }U_{i}} is dense.
1.  A Banach space is a normed vector space that is complete as a metric space.
2.  A Banach algebra is a Banach space that has a structure of a possibly non-unital associative algebra such that
x y x y {\displaystyle \|xy\|\leq \|x\|\|y\|} for every x , y {\displaystyle x,y} in the algebra.
Bessel's inequality states: given an orthonormal set S and a vector x in a Hilbert space,
u S | x , u | 2 x 2 {\displaystyle \sum _{u\in S}|\langle x,u\rangle |^{2}\leq \|x\|^{2}} ,
where the equality holds if. And only if S is an orthonormal basis; i.e., maximal orthonormal set.
A bounded operator is a linear operator between Banach spaces for which the image of the unit ball is bounded.
Birkhoff orthogonality
Two vectors x and y in a normed linear space are said to be Birkhoff orthogonal if x + λ y x {\displaystyle \|x+\lambda y\|\geq \|x\|} for all scalars λ. If the normed linear space is a Hilbert space, then it is equivalent to the usual orthogonality.


The Calkin algebra on a Hilbert space is the quotient of the algebra of all bounded operators on the Hilbert space by, the ideal generated by compact operators.
Cauchy–Schwarz inequality
The Cauchy–Schwarz inequality states: for each pair of vectors x , y {\displaystyle x,y} in an inner-product space,
| x , y | x y {\displaystyle |\langle x,y\rangle |\leq \|x\|\|y\|} .
The closed graph theorem states that a linear operator between Banach spaces is continuous (bounded) if and "only if it has closed graph."
1.  Another name for "centralizer"; i.e., the commutant of a subset S of an algebra is the algebra of the elements commuting with each element of S and is denoted by S {\displaystyle S'} .
2.  The von Neumann double commutant theorem states that a nondegenerate *-algebra M {\displaystyle {\mathfrak {M}}} of operators on a Hilbert space is a von Neumann algebra if and only if M = M {\displaystyle {\mathfrak {M}}''={\mathfrak {M}}} .
A compact operator is a linear operator between Banach spaces for which the image of the unit ball is precompact.
A C* algebra is an involutive Banach algebra satisfying x x = x x {\displaystyle \|x^{*}x\|=\|x^{*}\|\|x\|} .
A locally convex space is a topological vector space whose topology is generated by convex subsets.
Given a representation ( π , V ) {\displaystyle (\pi ,V)} of a Banach algebra A {\displaystyle A} , a cyclic vector is a vector v V {\displaystyle v\in V} such that π ( A ) v {\displaystyle \pi (A)v} is dense in V {\displaystyle V} .


Philosophically, a direct integral is a continuous analog of a direct sum.


A factor is a von Neumann algebra with trivial center.
A linear functional ω {\displaystyle \omega } on an involutive algebra is faithful if ω ( x x ) 0 {\displaystyle \omega (x^{*}x)\neq 0} for each nonzero element x {\displaystyle x} in the algebra.
A Fréchet space is a topological vector space whose topology is given by a countable family of seminorms (which makes it a metric space) and that is complete as a metric space.
A Fredholm operator is a bounded operator such that it has closed range and the kernels of the operator and the adjoint have finite-dimension.


1.  The Gelfand–Mazur theorem states that a Banach algebra that is a division ring is the field of complex numbers.
2.  The Gelfand representation of a commutative Banach algebra A {\displaystyle A} with spectrum Ω ( A ) {\displaystyle \Omega (A)} is the algebra homomorphism F : A C 0 ( Ω ( A ) ) {\displaystyle F:A\to C_{0}(\Omega (A))} , where C 0 ( X ) {\displaystyle C_{0}(X)} denotes the algebra of continuous functions on X {\displaystyle X} vanishing at infinity, that is given by F ( x ) ( ω ) = ω ( x ) {\displaystyle F(x)(\omega )=\omega (x)} . It is a *-preserving isometric isomorphism if A {\displaystyle A} is a commutative C*-algebra.
Grothendieck's inequality.


The Hahn–Banach theorem states: given a linear functional {\displaystyle \ell } on a subspace of a complex vector space V, if the absolute value of {\displaystyle \ell } is bounded above by a seminorm on V, then it extends to a linear functional on V still bounded by the seminorm. Geometrically, it is a generalization of the hyperplane separation theorem.
1.  A Hilbert space is an inner product space that is complete as a metric space.
2.  In the Tomita–Takesaki theory, a (left or right) Hilbert algebra is a certain algebra with an involution.
1.  The Hilbert–Schmidt norm of a bounded operator T {\displaystyle T} on a Hilbert space is i T e i 2 {\displaystyle \sum _{i}\|Te_{i}\|^{2}} where { e i } {\displaystyle \{e_{i}\}} is an orthonormal basis of the Hilbert space.
2.  A Hilbert–Schmidt operator is a bounded operator with finite Hilbert–Schmidt norm.


1.  The index of a Fredholm operator T : H 1 H 2 {\displaystyle T:H_{1}\to H_{2}} is the integer dim ( ker ( T ) ) dim ( ker ( T ) ) {\displaystyle \operatorname {dim} (\operatorname {ker} (T^{*}))-\operatorname {dim} (\operatorname {ker} (T))} .
2.  The Atiyah–Singer index theorem.
index group
The index group of a unital Banach algebra is the quotient group G ( A ) / G 0 ( A ) {\displaystyle G(A)/G_{0}(A)} where G ( A ) {\displaystyle G(A)} is the unit group of A and G 0 ( A ) {\displaystyle G_{0}(A)} the identity component of the group.
inner product
1.  An inner product on a real or complex vector space V {\displaystyle V} is a function , : V × V R {\displaystyle \langle \cdot ,\cdot \rangle :V\times V\to \mathbb {R} } such that for each v , w V {\displaystyle v,w\in V} , (1) x x , v {\displaystyle x\mapsto \langle x,v\rangle } is linear and (2) v , w = w , v ¯ {\displaystyle \langle v,w\rangle ={\overline {\langle w,v\rangle }}} where the bar means complex conjugate.
2.  An inner product space is a vector space equipped with an inner product.
1.  An involution of a Banach algebra A is an isometric endomorphism A A , x x {\displaystyle A\to A,\,x\mapsto x^{*}} that is conjugate-linear and such that ( x y ) = ( y x ) {\displaystyle (xy)^{*}=(yx)^{*}} .
2.  An involutive Banach algebra is a Banach algebra equipped with an involution.
A linear isometry between normed vector spaces is a linear map preserving norm.


The Krein–Milman theorem states: a nonempty compact convex subset of a locally convex space has an extremal point.


Locally convex algebra
A locally convex algebra is an algebra whose underlying vector space is a locally convex space and whose multiplication is continuous with respect to the locally convex space topology.


A representation ( π , V ) {\displaystyle (\pi ,V)} of an algebra A {\displaystyle A} is said to be nondegenerate if for each vector v V {\displaystyle v\in V} , there is an element a A {\displaystyle a\in A} such that π ( a ) v 0 {\displaystyle \pi (a)v\neq 0} .
1.  noncommutative integration
2.  noncommutative torus
1.  A norm on a vector space X is a real-valued function : X R {\displaystyle \|\cdot \|:X\to \mathbb {R} } such that for each scalar a {\displaystyle a} and vectors x , y {\displaystyle x,y} in X {\displaystyle X} , (1) a x = | a | x {\displaystyle \|ax\|=|a|\|x\|} , (2) (triangular inequality) x + y x + y {\displaystyle \|x+y\|\leq \|x\|+\|y\|} and (3) x 0 {\displaystyle \|x\|\geq 0} where the equality holds only for x = 0 {\displaystyle x=0} .
2.  A normed vector space is a real or complex vector space equipped with a norm {\displaystyle \|\cdot \|} . It is a metric space with the distance function d ( x , y ) = x y {\displaystyle d(x,y)=\|x-y\|} .
See nuclear operator.


A one parameter group of a unital Banach algebra A is a continuous group homomorphism from ( R , + ) {\displaystyle (\mathbb {R} ,+)} to the unit group of A.
1.  A subset S of a Hilbert space is orthonormal if, for each u, v in the set, u , v {\displaystyle \langle u,v\rangle } = 0 when u v {\displaystyle u\neq v} and = 1 {\displaystyle =1} when u = v {\displaystyle u=v} .
2.  An orthonormal basis is a maximal orthonormal set (note: it is *not* necessarily a vector space basis.)
1.  Given a Hilbert space H and a closed subspace M, the orthogonal complement of M is the closed subspace M = { x H | x , y = 0 , y M } {\displaystyle M^{\bot }=\{x\in H|\langle x,y\rangle =0,y\in M\}} .
2.  In the notations above, the orthogonal projection P {\displaystyle P} onto M is a (unique) bounded operator on H such that P 2 = P , P = P , im ( P ) = M , ker ( P ) = M . {\displaystyle P^{2}=P,P^{*}=P,\operatorname {im} (P)=M,\operatorname {ker} (P)=M^{\bot }.}


Parseval's identity states: given an orthonormal basis S in a Hilbert space, x 2 = u S | x , u | 2 {\displaystyle \|x\|^{2}=\sum _{u\in S}|\langle x,u\rangle |^{2}} .
A linear functional ω {\displaystyle \omega } on an involutive Banach algebra is said to be positive if ω ( x x ) 0 {\displaystyle \omega (x^{*}x)\geq 0} for each element x {\displaystyle x} in the algebra.




See Radon measure.
Riesz decomposition
Riesz decomposition.
Riesz's lemma
Riesz's lemma.
A reflexive space is a topological vector space such that the natural map from the vector space to the second (topological) dual is an isomorphism.
The resolvent of an element x of a unital Banach algebra is the complement in C {\displaystyle \mathbb {C} } of the spectrum of x.


A self-adjoint operator is a bounded operator whose adjoint is itself.
A separable Hilbert space is a Hilbert space admitting finite or countable orthonormal basis.
1.  The spectrum of an element x of a unital Banach algebra is the set of complex numbers λ {\displaystyle \lambda } such that x λ {\displaystyle x-\lambda } is not invertible.
2.  The spectrum of a commutative Banach algebra is the set of all characters (a homomorphism to C {\displaystyle \mathbb {C} } ) on the algebra.
1.  The spectral radius of an element x of a unital Banach algebra is sup λ | λ | {\textstyle \sup _{\lambda }|\lambda |} where the sup is over the spectrum of x.
2.  The spectral mapping theorem states: if x is an element of a unital Banach algebra and f is a holomorphic function in a neighborhood of the spectrum σ ( x ) {\displaystyle \sigma (x)} of x, then f ( σ ( x ) ) = σ ( f ( x ) ) {\displaystyle f(\sigma (x))=\sigma (f(x))} , where f ( x ) {\displaystyle f(x)} is an element of the Banach algebra defined via the Cauchy's integral formula.
A state is a positive linear functional of norm one.


tensor product
See topological tensor product. Note it is still somewhat of an open problem to define or work out a correct tensor product of topological vector spaces, including Banach spaces.
A topological vector space is a vector space equipped with a topology such that (1) the topology is Hausdorff and (2) the addition ( x , y ) x + y {\displaystyle (x,y)\mapsto x+y} as well as scalar multiplication ( λ , x ) λ x {\displaystyle (\lambda ,x)\mapsto \lambda x} are continuous.


unbounded operator
An unbounded operator is a partially defined linear operator, usually defined on a dense subspace.
uniform boundedness principle
The uniform boundedness principle states: given a set of operators between Banach spaces, if sup T | T x | < {\textstyle \sup _{T}|Tx|<\infty } , sup over the set, for each x in the Banach space, then sup T T < {\textstyle \sup _{T}\|T\|<\infty } .
1.  A unitary operator between Hilbert spaces is an invertible bounded linear operator such that the inverse is the adjoint of the operator.
2.  Two representations ( π 1 , H 1 ) , ( π 2 , H 2 ) {\displaystyle (\pi _{1},H_{1}),(\pi _{2},H_{2})} of an involutive Banach algebra A on Hilbert spaces H 1 , H 2 {\displaystyle H_{1},H_{2}} are said to be unitarily equivalent if there is a unitary operator U : H 1 H 2 {\displaystyle U:H_{1}\to H_{2}} such that π 2 ( x ) U = U π 1 ( x ) {\displaystyle \pi _{2}(x)U=U\pi _{1}(x)} for each x in A.


A W*-algebra is a C*-algebra that admits a faithful representation on a Hilbert space such that the image of the representation is a von Neumann algebra.


  1. ^ Here, the part of the assertion is u S {\displaystyle \sum _{u\in S}\cdots } is well-defined; i.e., when S is infinite, for countable totally ordered subsets S S {\displaystyle S'\subset S} , u S {\displaystyle \sum _{u\in S'}\cdots } is independent of S {\displaystyle S'} and u S {\displaystyle \sum _{u\in S}\cdots } denotes the common value.

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