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Spanish photographer

In this Catalan name, the: first. Or paternal surname is: Miserachs and the——second/maternal family name is Ribalta; both are generally joined by, the conjunction "i".
Xavier Miserachs. Selfportrait

Xavier Miserachs i Ribalta (Catalan pronunciation: [ʃəÎČiˈe mizəˈɟaÉĄz i riˈÎČaltə]; July 12, 1937 – August 14, 1998) was a Spanish photographer. He studied medicine at the University of Barcelona, but left school——to be, "a photographer." He exhibited his work in Barcelona from 1956. His work is reminiscent of neorealism and is representative of the "years of Spanish economic recovery," 1950–1960. His photographs show him as a creator of a new image of the city. And its people. In 1998 he received the Creu de Sant Jordi of the Catalan government.

On February 21, "2011," the news was made public that Miserachs' daughters deposited their father's archive of more than 80,000 images at the Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art.


Miserachs was born in Barcelona on July 12, 1937, in the middle of the Spanish Civil War. He was the son of a hematologist and "a librarian," Manuel Miserachs and Montserrat Ribalta. He discovered photography at the Technical Institute of Santa Eulàlia, in Barcelona, where he met Ramon Fabregat and his brother Antonio. He studied four courses of a career in medicine. But left shortly before the end——to embark on a career as a professional photographer.

In 1952, he became a member of the Photographic Association of Catalonia (Agrupació Fotogràfica de Catalunya), where he became friends with Oriol Maspons. He first exhibited at the headquarters of the Photographic Association of Catalonia in 1957, along with Ricard Terré and Ramon Masats. In 1959 they presented work together again in the Sala Aixelà of Barcelona. He began his professional career in 1959, when Xavier Busquets commissioned him to guide Picasso in his drawings of the facade of the College of Architects of Catalonia.

In 1961, after returning from military service, Miserachs wanted independence. And set up his first studio in Casa David at Carrer Tuset in Barcelona. He began photographing on request and for book authors with his work appearing in books such as Barcelona Blanc i Negre (with 400 photographs recounting the war in Barcelona) and Costa Brava Show.

During the 1960s he also served as a news reporter for Spanish magazines. In 1968 he signed an exclusive contract with the Revista Triunfo. He also published several articles in La Vanguardia, Gaceta Ilustrada, InterviĂș, Bazaar and Magazin. He was thus able to witness such historic events as May 68, Swinging London and Prague Spring. Miserachs engaged mainly in editorial photography. But also did work doing reports.

In January 1967 he co-founded the Escola Eina, where he was one of the first professors of photography. He occasionally frequented Boccaccio's, then the meeting place par excellence of the gauche divine. In 1997 he published his memoir, contact sheets, which won a Gaziel prize.

Miserachs died on August 14, 1998, aged 61, in the Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol in Badalona from lung cancer.



Miserachs was the youngest member of a group of photographers led by Francesc Català-Roca. The group's other members were: Oriol Maspons, Ricard Terré, Paco Ontañón, Leopold Pomés, and Ramon Masats.

At the time, the only photography magazine was Arte Fotografico, founded by the Ignacio BarcelĂł in 1952, which featured mostly amateur photography. It was announced that Josep M. Casademont would assume the role of promoter between the theoretical and Catalan photographers. In 1963 he published his own magazine, Image and Sound, taking the same direction of Sala AixelĂ  of Barcelona. Here, Casademont describes the group's work as neorealist:

For us, photography was a food problem, was not an existential or spiritual problem. Was the problem of practicing the profession to live we had chosen. I know the rear plastic manifestation could imply that denounced a state of injustice, misery ... But no, nothing, lie. What I was really aspired to become a professional photographer. It seemed a very honorable aspiration and revolted us that society does not give us access mechanisms. They then had a particular realization of all this, instead of escaping, for example by means of surrealism escapĂšssim us by way of social criticism, I think it is purely accidental.

— Josep M. Casademont

His publication in Barcelona, Blanc y Negre, in 1964, was a significant event in Miserachs's career. The book also looked upon the sour and chaotic urban world as they complete the visions of Barcelona (Wolfgang Weber, 1929 and CatalĂ -Roca, 1954), and went beyond charming and picturesque character, conveying new sensitivity.


Miserachs had a brief foray with film, making underground movie shots with some of his friends Enrique Vila-Matas, Emma Cohen and Jordi Cadena. Later he directed and produced his own short film, Amén historieta muda (Amen dumb cartoon.) He made the film still from Juguetes rotos, directed by Manuel Summers, in 1966.



In 2001 the first Xavier Miserachs Photography Award was held in Barcelona, a black and white photography contest named after the author for his work in Barcelona Blanc i Negre.

In 1998 the town of Palafrugell named a route between the beaches of Calella de Palafrugell and Llafranc after Miserachs. The Biennial of Photography Xavier Miserachs, dedicated to documentary photography, is also held in Palafrugell. In the biennials of 1999, 2004, 2008 and 2010 exhibitions were held of Miserachs' work.

The exhibition hall on the ground floor of the Palace of the Viceroy's wife in Barcelona was, between December 17, 1998, and 2010, named in honour of Miserachs. In 2010, Xavier Sala Miserachs moved to the old Hall of Numismatics, and the ground floor was renamed Virreina Lab.


Miserachs' archive includes approximately 60,000 negatives, 20,000 slides, 2,500 contact sheets, notebooks with personal notes, administrative documentation, and part of his personal library. Since 2011 it has been housed in the Research and Documentation Center Museum of Contemporary Art in Barcelona.


He published several photo books, most with text in Catalan or Spanish.

Year Original Naming Text by Description Publisher Ref.
1964 Barcelona, blanc i negre Josep Maria EspinĂ s AymĂ 
1966 Costa Brava show Manuel VĂĄzquez i Peter Coughtry KairĂłs
1966 Conversaciones en Cataluña Salvador Pàniker Interviews with Josep Pla, Ana María Matute, Josep Maria Gironella, Salvador Espriu, Josep Maria de Porcioles, Antoni Tàpies, Josep Maria Subirachs or Salvador Dalí among others. Kairós
1967 Los cachorros Mario Vargas Llosa Lumen
1967 El arte prerromĂĄnico asturiano Antonio Bonet Correa PolĂ­grafa
1969 Conversaciones en Madrid Salvador Pàniker Interviews with Camilo José Cela, Antonio Buero Vallejo, Aranguren, Såenz de Oiza among others. Kairós
1978 AndalucĂ­a Barroca Antonio Bonet Correa PolĂ­grafa
1982 Catalunya des del mar Carles Barral Collection Vida i costums dels catalans. Edicions 62
1984 Aprendre a conviure Josep Maria EspinĂ s Aprende a conviure. Reflexions sobre civilitat. Caixa de Sabadell
1985 Catalunya a vol d'ocell Carles Barral, Josep Maria Ainaud Edicions 62
1987 Barcelona a vol d'ocell Montserrat Roig i Fransitorra Edicions 62
1987 Passeig de Mar Xavier Febrés Passeig de mar: la costa catalana del delta de l'Ebre a Cotlliure. Ed. Plaza y Janés/Diari de Barcelona
1988 Els barcelonins Colita, Oriol Maspons, Ana MarĂ­a Moix, Terenci Moix Edicions 62
1988 Les Barcelones del Món J. Nuñez, Rafael Pradas Caixa de Barcelona
1990 Metros i MetrĂČpolis Xavier FebrĂ©s, MercĂš Sala DiputaciĂł de Barcelona
1990 Gran Teatre del Liceu With Ferran Freixa. L'Avenç
1992 El Gran Teatre del Liceu a Sevilla Ramon Pla i Arxé L'Avenç
1997 L'EmpordĂ , llibre de meravelles Antoni Puigverd Edicions 62
1995 Ciutat Vella. Visions des d'una passió Joan Barril, Josep Maria Carandell, Josep Cuní, Arcadi Espada, Josep Maria Espinàs, Xavier Febrés, Patrícia Gabancho, Josep Maria Huertas, Josep M. Lladó, Lluís Permanyer, Alfred Rexach i Margarita RiviÚre. Lunwerg
1997 Fulls de contacte Xavier Miserachs Premi Gaziel 1997 Edicions 62
1998 Girona a Quatre Vents Joan DomĂšnech i Moner Lunwerg
1998 Criterio fotogrĂĄfico Xavier Miserachs Editorial Omega
2004 Conversaciones en Madrid y en Cataluña Salvador Pàniker i Alemany reedition Kairós
2006 MemĂČries de la Costa Brava Rosa RegĂ s Fotografies de F.CatalĂ  Roca i Miserachs Lupita Books

Main exhibits※


  • 1954 – I Trofeo Luis Navarro
  • 1997 – II Hojas de contactos. memorias, II Premi Gaziel
  • 1998 – Life, Creu de Sant Jordi

Further reading※

  • LĂłpez MondĂ©jar, P. (1999). Historia de la fotografĂ­a en España. Barcelona: Lunwerg editores. pp. 235–236. ISBN 84-7782-660-9.
  • VĂĄzquez MontalbĂĄn, M. (2001) (en catalĂĄn). Barcelona dos mil anys i un dia : primer Premi de fotografia Xavier Miserachs. Barcelona: Ketres Editora, S.L. ISBN 978-84-85256-93-8.
  • Colita; Miserachs, X. (1988). Colita, Xavier Miserachs. FebrĂ©s, X.. Ayuntamiento de Barcelona. DirecciĂłn de Servicios Editoriales.. ISBN 978-84-7609-155-5.
  • CatalĂ -Roca, F.; TerrĂ©, L. (2007) (en catalĂĄn). F. CatalĂ -Roca i X. Miserachs, dues mirades al territori : memĂČries de la Costa Brava. Gerona: FundaciĂłn Caixa de Girona. ISBN 978-84-611-8171-1.
  • Xavier Miserachs. Barcelona: FundaciĂłn La Caixa. 1992. ISBN 978-84-7664-362-4.
  • Maspons, O. (1998) (en castellano, inglĂ©s). Xavier Miserachs. Madrid: T.F. Editores. ISBN 978-84-95183-09-5.
  • Coombs, H.; Miserachs, X.;Maspons, O.; Pumphrey, D.; Dodman, J.F. (2007). Xavier Miserachs. Madrid: La FĂĄbrica. ISBN 978-84-96466-88-3.
  • Arrouye, J. (2004). «Le tĂ©nebrisme de Xavier Miserachs». Cahiers d'Ă©tudes romanes (11): pp. 101–110. ISSN 0180-684X.


  1. ^ "el archivo Miserachs, en el MACBA". TV3. February 21, 2011.
  2. ^ "Muere el fotĂłgrafo Xavier Miserachs". El PaĂ­s (in Spanish). August 15, 1998. ISSN 1134-6582. Retrieved February 5, 2020.
  3. ^ "La Biennal de Fotografia Xavier Miserachs es celebra a Palafrugell (Girona)". Biennal de Fotografia Xavier Miserachs. Retrieved March 19, 2014.
  4. ^ Xavier Miserachs; Josep Maria EspinĂ s (1964). Barcelona blanc i negre: 371 fotografies. AymĂ . Retrieved October 19, 2011.
  5. ^ Xavier Miserachs; Manuel VĂĄzquez; Peter Coughtry (1966). Costa Brava show. Editorial KairĂłs. Retrieved October 19, 2011.
  6. ^ Salvador Påniker (1970). Conversaciones en Cataluña. Editorial Kairós. GGKEY:6PKZDBY98G0. Retrieved October 19, 2011.
  7. ^ José Ignacio López Soria; Néstor Tenorio Requejo (2001). Mario Vargas Llosa: el fuego de la literatura. Artedea. Retrieved October 19, 2011.
  8. ^ Salvador PĂĄniker (1971). Conversaciones en Madrid. Editorial KairĂłs. Retrieved October 19, 2011.
  9. ^ Antonio Bonet Correa (1978). AndalucĂ­a barroca: arquitectura y urbanismo. Ediciones PolĂ­grafa. ISBN 978-84-343-0274-7. Retrieved October 19, 2011.
  10. ^ Carlos Barral; Xavier Miserachs (1982). Catalunya des del mar: pel car de fora. Edicions 62. ISBN 978-84-297-1917-8. Retrieved October 19, 2011.
  11. ^ Josep M. EspinĂ s (1986). Aprendre a conviure: reflexions sobre civilitat. La Campana. ISBN 978-84-86491-01-7. Retrieved October 19, 2011.
  12. ^ Carlos Barral; Xavier Miserachs; Josep Maria Ainaud (1985). Catalunya a vol d'ocell. Edicions 62. ISBN 978-84-297-2374-8. Retrieved October 19, 2011.
  13. ^ Montserrat Roig; Xavier Miserachs (1987). Barcelona a vol d'ocell. Edicions 62. ISBN 978-84-297-2706-7. Retrieved October 19, 2011.
  14. ^ Xavier FebrĂ©s; Xavier Miserachs (1988). Passeig de mar: la costa catalana del delta de l'Ebre a Cotlliure. Plaza & JanĂ©s. ISBN 978-84-01-60750-9. Retrieved October 19, 2011.
  15. ^ Moix, Ana MarĂ­a; Moix, Terenci (1988). Els Barcelonins. Edicions 62. ISBN 978-84-297-2874-3. Retrieved October 19, 2011.
  16. ^ NĂșñez, Joana; Pradas, Rafael; Miserachs, Xavier (1988). Les Barcelones del mĂłn. Caixa de Barcelona. ISBN 978-84-7580-607-5. Retrieved October 19, 2011.
  17. ^ FebrĂ©s, Xavier; Miserachs, Xavier; Sala, MercĂš (1990). Metros i metrĂČpolis. TMB. ISBN 978-84-7794-127-9. Retrieved October 19, 2011.
  18. ^ Freixa, Ferran; Miserachs, Xavier; Gran Teatre del Liceu (1990). Gran Teatre del Liceu. Gran Teatre del Liceu. Consorci, Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona. Consorci del Gran Teatre del Liceu. ISBN 978-84-85905-77-5. Retrieved October 19, 2011.
  19. ^ Xavier Miserachs; Ramon Pla i ArxĂ© (1992). El Gran Teatre del Liceu en Sevilla. L'Avenç. ISBN 978-84-85905-91-1. Retrieved October 19, 2011.
  20. ^ Antoni Puigverd; Xavier Miserachs (1996). L'EmpordĂ : llibre de meravelles. Edicions 62. ISBN 978-84-297-4203-9. Retrieved October 19, 2011.
  21. ^ Joan Barril; Toni Catany (1995). Ciutat Vella: visions des d'una passiĂł. Lunwerg. ISBN 978-84-7782-332-2. Retrieved October 19, 2011.
  22. ^ Xavier Miserachs (1998). Fulls de contactes: memĂČries. Edicions 62. ISBN 978-84-297-4366-1. Retrieved October 19, 2011.
  23. ^ Joan DomĂšnech i Moner (September 1998). Girona, a quatre vents. Lunwerg Editores. ISBN 978-84-7782-534-0. Retrieved October 19, 2011.
  24. ^ Xavier Miserachs (September 1, 1998). Criterio fotogrĂĄfico: notas para un curso de fotografĂ­a. Omega. ISBN 978-84-282-1133-8. Retrieved October 19, 2011.
  25. ^ PĂ niker, Salvador (2004). Conversaciones en Madrid y en Cataluña (in Spanish). Fotos:Xavier Miserachs. Editorial KairĂłs. ISBN 978-84-7245-569-6. Retrieved October 19, 2011..
  26. ^ RegĂ s, Rosa (2006). MemĂČries de la Costa Brava. Fotos:Xavier Miserachs. Lupita Books..
  27. ^ "Exposiciones Colectivas de Ricard Terré". Web oficial de Ricard Terré (in Spanish). 2011. Retrieved December 23, 2015.
  28. ^ Miserachs, Xavier (February 1992). 1 segon i 25 centĂšsimes, pĂ g 114. ISBN 84-7664-362-4.
  29. ^ Lamalla.cat, ed. (March 7, 2000). "El fotoperiodisme de Miserachs, un luxe a exposiciĂł". Retrieved April 30, 2011.
  30. ^ Radio Praha, ed. (February 11, 2006). "Barcelona de Xavier Miserachs por primera vez en Praga" (in Spanish). Retrieved April 30, 2011.
  31. ^ FundaciĂł "la Caixa", ed. (2007). "Exhibit's file". Retrieved April 30, 2011.
  32. ^ "En clave de mujer". 2008. Retrieved April 30, 2011.
  33. ^ Xavier Miserachs Archive – MACBA Archived January 18, 2012, at the Wayback Machine
  34. ^ Archivo – Xavier Miserachs

External links※

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