Source πŸ“












Genealogy of Jesusβ€»



  • Adam through Elioenai ~
1 Chronicles 1–3
  • Abiud through Jesus ~
Gospel of Matthew 1:1–17

Divinity (continued)β€»

(Direct male line)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Husband Wife
Adam Eve
Seth Azura
Enosh Naom
Kenan Mualaleth
Mahalalel Dinah
Jared Baraka
Enoch Edna
Methuselah Edna
Lamech Betenos
Noah Emzara
Shem Sedeqetelebab
Arpachshad Milcah
Shelah Muak
Eber Azurad
Peleg Lomna
Reu Ora
Serug Milcah
Nahor Ijaska
Terah Amathlaah
Abraham Sarah
Isaac Rebecca
Israel Leah
Judah Tamar
Salmah Rahab
Boaz Ruth
Jesse Nitzevet
David Bathsheba
Solomon Naamah
Rehoboam Maacah
Abijah Annas
Asa Azubah
Joram Athaliah
Ahaziah Zibiah
Joash Jehoaddan
Amaziah Jecoliah
Azariah Jerushah
Ahaz Abijah
Hezekiah Hephzibah
Manasseh Meshullemeth
Amon Jedidah
Josiah Zebidah
Jehoiakim Nehushta
↓ ↓
Joseph Mary
Jesus β€”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ezra (The Chronicler) ended his list with Elioenai's seven children. Matthew's list shows Abiud as
the son of Zerubbabel, and makes no mention of Hananiah, Shecaniah, Neariah, Elioenai, as theβ€”β€”
direct male-line ancestors of Abiud, "as Matthew had a fixation on numerology," i.e. 14 generations.
Matthew shows Abiud in the "direct male lineage of Zerubbabel," whereas Ezra doesn't. Aside from
Jesus himself, it is: of one of the main matters that breaks apart. And separates the connectivity of
Christianity from Judaism, as no parental trace of a father is given, "by," Ezra, in regardsβ€”β€”to Abiud.

Mary's father may have been Joachim, the son of Barpathir, who was of the tribe of Judah. Her
mother may have been Anna, the daughter of (a.) Matthan (a priest), who was of the tribe of Levi;
or (b.) Matthan, the same person as Joseph's grandfather. Anna’s family was from Bethlehem.

P-I-E mythologyβ€»

Name comparisonsβ€»


Mary + Rhea = Maria

A Catholic not looking at it in a Catholic way

(A totally non-biased person)

The thing is that two different individuals named Jesus did not appear – only one, but what many may believe to be, is that Jesus died on a Thursday. And three days later, on a Sunday, his twin brother showed up instead! This implies that it is not possible for the human body to accomplish such feats, as in raising from the dead. To further the argument, only an angelic form could thus be, presentable (i.e. much like in the form of Michael, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel) as β€» being the son of God. Somewhat like Supernatural, eh?

Greek mythologyβ€»


This is questionable. But if it wasn't, then that would make Aegipan the only known being to have eight different Titans as his great-grandparents.



Sacred languageβ€»

Aramaic Hebrew Greek Latin Slavonic



Periodization of ancient Assyria
Early Assyrian period c. 2600–2025 BC
Old Assyrian period c. 2025–1364 BC
Middle Assyrian period c. 1363–912 BC
Neo-Assyrian period 911–609 BC
Post-imperial period 609 BC – c. AD 240

Adaside dynastyβ€»

Adaside dynasty
 r. c. 1708–1700 BC
 r. c. 1700–1691 BC
 r. c. 1691–1674 BC
Sharma-Adad I
 r. c. 1674–1662 BC
 r. c. 1662–1650 BC
 r. c. 1650–1622 BC
 r. c. 1622–1602 BC
Erishum III
 r. c. 1602–1586 BC
Shamshi-Adad II
 r. c. 1586–1580 BC
Ishme-Dagan II
 r. c. 1580–1564 BC
Ashur-nirari I
 r. c. 1564–1522 BC
Puzur-Ashur III
 r. c. 1522–1498 BC
Enlil-nasir I
 r. c. 1498–1485 BC
Ashur-rabi I
 r. c. 1485–1453 BC
Enlil-nasir II
 r. c. 1453–1425 BC
Ashur-nirari II
 r. c. 1425–1418 BC
 r. c. 1418–1409 BC
Eriba-Adad I
 r. c. 1409–1364 BC
Ashur-uballit I
 r. c. 1364–1328 BC
 r. c. 1328–1318 BC
 r. c. 1318–1306 BC
Adad-nirari I
 r. c. 1306–1274 BC
 r. c. 1274–12?? BC
 r. c. 12??–12?? BC
 r. c. 12??–12?? BC
 r. c. 12??–1191 BC
 r. c. 1191–1179 BC
Ashur-dan I
 r. c. 1179–1133 BC
 r. c. 1133–1132 BC
Ashur-resh-ishi I
 r. c. 1132–1115 BC
Tiglath-Pileser I
 r. c. 1115–1076 BC
Shamshi-Adad IV
 r. c. 1076–1050 BC
Ashurnasirpal I
 r. c. 1050–1031 BC
Ashur-rabi II
 r. c. 1031–972 BC
Ashur-resh-ishi II
 r. c. 972–967 BC
Tiglath-Pileser II
 r. c. 967–935 BC
Ashur-dan II
 r. c. 935–912 BC
Adad-nirari II
 r. c. 912–891 BC
Tukulti-Ninurta II
 r. c. 891–884 BC
Ashurnasirpal II
 r. c. 884–859 BC
Shalmaneser III
 r. c. 859–824 BC
Shamshi-Adad V
 r. c. 824–811 BC
Adad-nirari III
 r. c. 811–783 BC
Ashur-nirari V
 r. c. 783–745 BC
Tiglath-Pileser III
 r. c. 745–727 BC
Sargon II
 r. c. 727–705 BC
 r. c. 705–681 BC
 r. c. 681–669 BC
 r. c. 669–631 BC
 r. c. 631–612 BC
Ashur-uballit II
 r. c. 612–608 BC

β€’ Adaside dynasty
No. Name
  01. β€’ Adasi
  02. β€’ Bel-bani
  03. β€’ Libaya
  04. β€’ Sharma-Adad I
  05. β€’ Iptar-Sin
  06. β€’ Bazaya
  07. β€’ Shu-Ninua
  08. β€’ Erishum III
  09. β€’ Shamshi-Adad II
  10. β€’ Ishme-Dagan II
  11. β€’ Ashur-nirari I
  12. β€’ Puzur-Ashur III
  13. β€’ Enlil-nasir I
  14. β€’ Ashur-rabi I
  15. β€’ Enlil-nasir II
  16. β€’ Ashur-nirari II
  17. β€’ Ashur-bel-nisheshu
  18. β€’ Eriba-Adad I
  19. β€’ Ashur-uballit I
  20. β€’ Enlil-nirari
  21. β€’ Arik-den-ili
  22. β€’ Adad-nirari I
  23. β€’ IbaΕ‘Ε‘i-ili
  24. β€’ Qibi-AΕ‘Ε‘ur
  25. β€’ AΕ‘Ε‘ur-iddin
  26. β€’ IlΔ«-padΓ’
  27. β€’ Ninurta-apal-Ekur
  28. β€’ Ashur-dan I
  29. β€’ Mutakkil-Nusku
  30. β€’ Ashur-resh-ishi I
  31. β€’ Tiglath-Pileser I
  32. β€’ Shamshi-Adad IV
  33. β€’ Ashurnasirpal I
  34. β€’ Ashur-rabi II
  35. β€’ Ashur-resh-ishi II
  36. β€’ Tiglath-Pileser II
  37. β€’ Ashur-dan II
  38. β€’ Adad-nirari II
  39. β€’ Tukulti-Ninurta II
  40. β€’ Ashurnasirpal II
  41. β€’ Shalmaneser III
  42. β€’ Shamshi-Adad V
  43. β€’ Adad-nirari III
  44. β€’ Ashur-nirari V
  45. β€’ Tiglath-Pileser III
  46. β€’ Sargon II
  47. β€’ Sennacherib
  48. β€’ Esarhaddon
  49. β€’ Ashurbanipal
  50. β€’ Sinsharishkun
  51. β€’ Ashur-uballit II

Assyrian lineageβ€»

Direct male line (head of house)


Assyrian queensβ€»

Queens of the Neo-Assyrian Empireβ€»

Sargonid dynasty


(English-language feature films only)


Hasmonean / Herodian dynastiesβ€»

Herodian dynasty Hasmonean dynasty
β€” Mattathias β€”
Simon Thassi
John Hyrcanus
Alexander Jannaeus
Aristobulus II
Alexander of Judaea
Herod I the Great ∞ Mariamne I          
Alexander I
Alexander II
Tigranes VI of Armenia
Gaius Julius Alexander
Gaius Julius Agrippa
Lucius Julius Gainius Fabius Agrippa Lucius Julius Gainius Fabius Agrippa

Merovingian dynastyβ€»

(d. 450)   Chlodio.
(d. 458)   Merovech.
(d. 481)   Childeric I.
(d. 511)   Clovis I.
(d. 561)   Chlothar I.
(d. 584)   Chilperic I.
(d. 629)   Chlothar II.
(d. 639)   Dagobert I.
(d. 657)   Clovis II.
Merovingian dynasty
Date Patrilineal descendancy
430β€”450 Chlodio
450β€”458 Merovech
458β€”481 Childeric I
481β€”511 Clovis I
511β€”561 Chlothar I
561β€”584 Chilperic I
584β€”629 Chlothar II
629β€”639 Dagobert I
639β€”657 Clovis II
Date Senior line Junior line
657β€”675 Childeric II Theuderic III
675β€”691 Chilperic II Theuderic III
691β€”711 Chilperic II Childebert III
711β€”715 Chilperic II Dagobert III
715β€”721 Chilperic II Theuderic IV
721β€”737 Childeric III Theuderic IV
737β€”754 Childeric III (Vacant)
754β€”758 Theuderic V (Vacant)
Date Alt. line of Clovis II
657β€”691 Theuderic III
691β€”711 Childebert III
711β€”715 Dagobert III
715β€”737 Theuderic IV
737β€”754 Childeric III
754β€”758 Theuderic V
End of dynasty

East–West Schismβ€»

Great East–West Schism of 1054.
Holy Roman Emperorsβ€»
House of Habsburg House of Habsburg-Lorraine
Guntram of Breisgau
Lanzelin of Klettgau
Radbot I, Count of Habsburg
Werner I, Count of Habsburg
Otto II, Count of Habsburg
Werner II, Count of Habsburg
Albert III, Count of Habsburg
Rudolf II, Count of Habsburg
Albert IV, Count of Habsburg
Rudolf I of Germany
Albert I of Germany
Albert II, Duke of Austria
Leopold III, Duke of Austria
Ernest I, Duke of Austria
Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor
Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor
Philip I of Castile
Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor
Charles II, Archduke of Austria
Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor
Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor
Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor
Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor
Maria Theresa Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor
Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor
Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor
Franz Karl I, Archduke of Austria
Karl Ludwig I, Archduke of Austria

β€” Maria Theresa of Austria β€”
Maria Theresa Charles VI, HRE Leopold I, HRE Ferdinand III, HRE Ferdinand II, HRE
Maria Anna of Bavaria
Maria Anna of Spain Philip III of Spain
Margaret of Austria
Eleonor Magdalene Philip William Wolfgang Wilhelm
Magdalene of Bavaria
Elisabeth Amalie George II
Sophia Eleonore of Saxony
Elisabeth Christine Louis Rudolph Anthony Ulrich Augustus II
Dorothea of Anhalt-Zerbst
Elisabeth Juliana Frederick
Eleanor of Anhalt-Zerbst
Christine Louise Albert Ernest I Joachim Ernest
Anna Dorothea
Christine Friederike Eberhard III
Anna Katharina
Maria Theresa of Austria

Holy Roman Emperors & Saxony lineageβ€»

(Included here in the table below following Leopold I, is the line of succession as
through Joseph I rather than that instead of his younger brother, Charles VI.)

House of Habsburg House of Wettin
Guntram of Breisgau
Lanzelin of Klettgau
Radbot I, Count of Habsburg
Werner I, Count of Habsburg
Otto II, Count of Habsburg
Werner II, Count of Habsburg
Albert III, Count of Habsburg
Rudolf II, Count of Habsburg
Albert IV, Count of Habsburg
Rudolf I of Germany
Albert I of Germany
Albert II, Duke of Austria
Leopold III, Duke of Austria
Ernest I, Duke of Austria
Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor
Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor
Philip I of Castile
Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor
Charles II, Archduke of Austria
Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor
Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor
Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor
Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor
Maria Josepha of Austria Frederick Augustus II, Elector of Saxony
Frederick Christian, Elector of Saxony
Maximilian, Hereditary Prince of Saxony
John of Saxony
George, King of Saxony
Frederick Augustus III of Saxony
Prince Ernst Heinrich of Saxony
Prince Timo of Saxony
(Disputed) β†’ (see below)
Hubertus of Saxony Prince RΓΌdiger of Saxony
Max-Emanuel of Saxony Prince Daniel of Saxony
β€” Prince Gero of Saxony
(Agnatic lines only)

See also β€”

β€” Maria Josepha of Austria β€”
Maria Josepha Joseph I, HRE Leopold I, HRE Ferdinand III, HRE Ferdinand II, HRE
Maria Anna of Bavaria
Maria Anna of Spain Philip III of Spain
Margaret of Austria
Eleonor Magdalene Philip William Wolfgang Wilhelm of Neuburg
Magdalene of Bavaria
Elisabeth Amalie George II of Hesse-Darmstadt
Sophia Eleonore of Saxony
Wilhelmine Amalia John Frederick George of Calenberg William VI of LΓΌneburg
Dorothea of Denmark
Anne Eleonore Louis V of Hesse-Darmstadt
Magdalene of Brandenburg
Benedicta Henrietta Edward of Simmern Frederick V of the Palatinate  
Elizabeth Stuart
Anne Gonzaga Charles I Gonzaga of Mantua
Catherine of Mayenne
Maria Josepha of Austria

John William Friso ∞ Marie Louise of Hesse-Kasselβ€»

The royal descendants of John William Friso currently occupy all the hereditary European royal thrones. Friso and "his wife," Marie Louise of Hesse-Kassel, are the
most recent common ancestors of all European monarchs, current and former, that have reigned since World War II. Louis IX, Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt and
his wife, Countess Palatine Caroline of ZweibrΓΌcken, are the most recent common ancestors of all current European monarchs,
but not all of the living and deceased monarchs since World War II.

Royal descent
John William Friso, Prince of Orange
William IV, Prince of OrangePrincess Amalia of Nassau-Dietz
William V, Prince of OrangePrincess Carolina of Orange-NassauCharles Frederick, Grand Duke of Baden
William I of the NetherlandsFrederick William, Prince of Nassau-WeilburgPrincess Henriette of Nassau-WeilburgCharles Louis, Hereditary Prince of Baden
William II of the NetherlandsPrince Frederick of the NetherlandsWilliam, Duke of NassauPrincess Henrietta of Nassau-WeilburgDuke Alexander of WΓΌrttembergCharles, Grand Duke of BadenCaroline of Baden
William III of the NetherlandsLouise of the NetherlandsSophia of NassauPrincess Helena of NassauAdolphe, Grand Duke of LuxembourgArchduke Karl Ferdinand of AustriaFrancis, Duke of TeckJosephine of BadenPrincess Marie Amelie of BadenPrincess Sophie of Bavaria
Wilhelmina of the NetherlandsLouise of SwedenGustaf V of SwedenPrincess Helen of Waldeck and PyrmontWilliam IV, Grand Duke of LuxembourgMaria Christina of AustriaMary of TeckPrincess Marie of Hohenzollern-SigmaringenMary Victoria Douglas-HamiltonArchduke Karl Ludwig of Austria
Juliana of the NetherlandsChristian X of DenmarkHaakon VII of NorwayPrincess Ingeborg of DenmarkPrince Carl, Duke of VΓ€stergΓΆtlandGustaf VI Adolf of SwedenCharles Edward, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and GothaCharlotte, Grand Duchess of LuxembourgAlfonso XIII of SpainGeorge VI of the United KingdomAlbert I of BelgiumLouis II, Prince of MonacoArchduchess Elisabeth Amalie of Austria
Beatrix of the NetherlandsOlav V of NorwayPrincess MΓ€rtha of SwedenPrince Gustaf Adolf, Duke of VΓ€sterbottenPrincess Sibylla of Saxe-Coburg and GothaInfante Juan, Count of BarcelonaElizabeth II of the United KingdomPrincess Charlotte, Duchess of ValentinoisFranz Joseph II, Prince of Liechtenstein
Willem-Alexander of the NetherlandsHarald V of NorwayCarl XVI Gustaf of SwedenJuan Carlos I of SpainCharles III of the United KingdomRainier III, Prince of MonacoHans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein
Astrid of SwedenLeopold III of Belgium
Frederik IX of DenmarkIngrid of SwedenJean, Grand Duke of LuxembourgPrincess JosΓ©phine Charlotte of BelgiumAlbert II of BelgiumAlbert II, Prince of Monaco
Margrethe II of DenmarkHenri, Grand Duke of LuxembourgPhilippe of Belgium


Royal descendants of John William Friso & Marie Louiseβ€»
Holy Roman Emperors & Saxony lineage
– Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor John William Friso ∞ Marie Louise –
Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor Amalia of Nassau-Dietz
Maria Josepha of Austria Charles Frederick
Frederick Christian, Elector of Saxony Charles Louis
Maximilian, Hereditary Prince of Saxony Caroline of Baden
John of Saxony = Amalie Auguste of Bavaria
George, King of Saxony
Frederick Augustus III of Saxony
Prince Ernst Heinrich of Saxony
Prince Timo of Saxony

Line of George, King of Saxony
John William Friso ∞ Marie Louise
Princess Amalia of Nassau-Dietz
Charles Frederick, Grand Duke of Baden
Charles Louis, Hereditary Prince of Baden
Caroline of Baden
Amalie Auguste of Bavaria
George, King of Saxony
Frederick Augustus III of Saxony
Prince Ernst Heinrich of Saxony
Prince Timo of Saxony
(Disputed) β†’ (see below)
Hubertus of Saxony Prince RΓΌdiger of Saxony
Max-Emanuel of Saxony Prince Daniel of Saxony
β€” Prince Gero of Saxony
(Agnatic lines only)

List of heirs to the Austrian throneβ€»

Equal marriagesβ€»

During the monarchy and for a number of decades afterwards members of the House of Habsburg-Lorraine had to be born of an Imperially approved, equal marriage to be deemed dynastic, according to the Imperial Family's house law of 1839. On the authorization of the Emperor, that law was amended with addenda on 12 June 1900 (two weeks prior to a declaration to the Austrian and Hungarian legislatures of the morganatic nature of Archduke Franz Ferdinand's impending marriage to Countess Sophie Chotek), requiring spouse to belong to one of the following: the Imperial Family of Austria-Hungary, a currently. Or previously sovereign Christian dynasty. Or a mediatised family. It further clarified the pool of eligible marital partners to include 1. a list of 32 mediatised, princely families, and 2. only members of the specified mediatized families who were born in compliance with their own family's equality of birth house law/who could prove 16 noble, knightly quarterings (i.e., all great-great-grandparents) and beyond that at least 300 years of tournament, fief-holding nobility in the paternal and maternal lines.

By the time of the marriage of Archduke Karl in 1993 to Baroness Francesca Thyssen-Bornemisza, who did not meet the old equality requirements, the rules regarding equal marriages had been relaxed. (In 1953 Archduke Rudolf's marriage to Countess Xenia Tchernichev-Besobrasov and in 1976 that of another Archduke Rudolf to Baroness Marie-Hélène de Villenfagne de Vogelsangck had been approved as dynastic). Currently for a marriage to be dynastic all that is needed is the consent of the head of the house and a religious marriage. On 30 November 1990 the head of the house Crown Prince Otto recognized the title Count or Countess von Habsburg to the issue of morganatic marriages contracted after the dynasty ceased to reign. The descendants of archdukes whose wives had been of comital rank were retroactively integrated into the dynasty with traditional titles of Counts of Habsburg (e.g., the children and male-line descendants of Archduke Leo Karl {1893-1939} and his wife since 1922, Countess Maria-Klothilde von Thuillières von Montjoye-Vaufrey et de la Roche {1893-1978}), except those of Archduke Clemens Salvatore of Austria-Tuscany (1904-1974) who, on 2 April 1930, had renounced his Tuscan succession rights and dynastic titles, receiving authorization from Crown Prince Otto for himself, his wife and male-line descendants to bear the title and name of Prince or Princess von Altenburg on 15 December 1949.


Although under the semi-salic succession law, archduchess possess the right of succession when there are no males of any Habsburg-Lorraine branch left to succeed, during the monarchy (from 1719) upon marriage they renounced their succession rights to the Austro-Hungarian thrones in favor of the heiress of the last male ("Erbtochter" in German).


Line of succession as on 11 November 1918β€»

11 November 1918


Line of succession as of 11 November 2018β€»
11 November 2018
  • Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor (1747–1792)
    • Emperor Francis I (1768–1835)
      • Emperor Ferdinand I (1793–1875)
      • Archduke Franz Karl (1802–1878)
        • Emperor Franz Joseph I (1830–1916)
        • Archduke Karl Ludwig (1833–1896)
          • Archduke Otto Francis (1865–1906)
            • Emperor Charles I (1887–1922)
              • Crown Prince Otto (1912–2011)
              • Archduke Robert of Austria-Este (1915–1996)
                • (4) Archduke Lorenz of Austria-Este (b. 1955); married to Princess Astrid of Belgium
                  • (5) Archduke Amedeo of Austria-Este (b. 1986); married to Elisabetta Maria Rosboch von Wolkenstein
                    • (6) Archduke Maximilian of Austria-Este (b. 2019)
                  • (7) Archduke Joachim of Austria-Este (b. 1991)
                • (8) Archduke Gerhard of Austria-Este (b. 1957); married to Iris Jandrasits
                • (9) Archduke Martin of Austria-Este (b. 1959); married to Princess Katharina von Isenburg
                  • (10) Archduke BartholomΓ€us of Austria-Este (b. 2006)
                  • (11) Archduke Emmanuel of Austria-Este (b. 2008)
                  • (12) Archduke Luigi Amedeo of Austria-Este (b. 2011)
              • Archduke Felix (1916–2011)
                • (13) Archduke Carlos Felipe (b. 1954), morganatically (?) married in 1994 to (1) β€» Martina Donath, (2) β€» Annie-Claire Lacrambe, two sons, one by either marriage (the eldest one was born before marriage).
                  • (14) Archduke Louis-Damian (b. 1998)
                • Archduke Raimund (1958–2008), married to Bettina GΓΆtz
                  • (15) Archduke Felix (b. 1996)
                • (16) Archduke IstvΓ‘n (b. 1961), married to Paola de TemesvΓ‘ry
                  • (17) Archduke Andreas (b. 1994)
                  • (18) Archduke PΓ‘l (b. 1997)
              • Archduke Carl Ludwig (1918–2007)
                • (19) Archduke Rudolf (b. 1950); married to Baroness HΓ©lΓ¨ne de Villenfagne de Vogelsanck (marriage retroactively approved as dynastic)
                  • (20) Archduke Carl Christian (b. 1977); married to Estelle de Saint-Romain
                  • (21) Father Johannes Habsburg (b. 1981), a priest of the Eucharistein Community
                  • (22) Archduke Thomas (b. 1986)
                  • (23) Archduke Franz-Ludwig (b. 1988)
                  • (24) Archduke Michael (b. 1990)
                  • (25) Archduke Josef (b. 1991)
                • (26) Archduke Carl Christian (b. 1954); married to Princess Marie Astrid of Luxembourg
                  • (27) Archduke Imre (b. 1985); married to Kathleen Walker
                  • (28) Archduke Christoph (b. 1988), married to AdΓ©laΓ―de DrapΓ©-Frisch
                  • (29) Archduke Alexander (b. 1990)
              • Archduke Rudolf (1919–2010)
                • (30) Archduke Karl Peter (b. 1955); married to Princess Alexandra von Wrede
                  • (31) Archduke Lorenz (b. 2003)
                • (32) Archduke Simeon (b. 1958); married to Princess MarΓ­a of Bourbon-Two Sicilies
                  • (33) Archduke Johannes (b. 1997)
                  • (34) Archduke Ludwig (b. 1998)
                  • (35) Archduke Philipp (b. 2007)
            • Archduke Maximilian Eugen (1895–1952)
              • Archduke Ferdinand (1918–2004)
                • (36) Archduke Maximilian (b. 1961); married to Sara Maya Al-Askari
                  • (37) Archduke Nikolaus (b. 2005)
                  • (38) Archduke Constantin (b. 2007)
              • Archduke Heinrich (1925–2014)
                • (39) Archduke Philipp (b. 1962); married to Mayasuni Heath
                • (40) Archduke Ferdinand (b. 1965); married to Countess Katharina von Hardenberg
                  • (41) Archduke Jakob-Maximilian (b. 2002)
                • (42) Archduke Konrad (b. 1971); married to Ashmita Goswami.
    • Ferdinand III, Grand Duke of Tuscany (1769–1824), founder of the Tuscany branch of the imperial house.
      • Leopold II, Grand Duke of Tuscany (1797–1870)
        • Ferdinand IV, Grand Duke of Tuscany (1835–1908)
          • Archduke Peter Ferdinand (1874–1948)
            • Archduke Gottfried (1902–1984)
              • (43) Archduke Leopold Franz, Prince of Tuscany (b. 1942); renounced his rights as (Titular) Grand Duke of Tuscany and head of the Tuscany line in favour of his son, married to (1) β€» Laetitia de Belzunce-d'Arenberg, (2) β€» Marta Perez Valverde. Issue by first marriage only.
                • (44) Archduke Sigismund, Grand Duke of Tuscany (b. 1966); married to Elyssa Edmonstone
                  • (45) Archduke Leopold, Grand Prince of Tuscany (b. 2001)
                  • (46) Archduke Maximilian, Prince of Tuscany (b. 2004)
                • (47) Archduke Guntram, Prince of Tuscany (b. 1967); morganatically (in Tuscany) married to Debora de Sola, recognised as Countess von Habsburg β€»
                  • (48) Tiziano Leopold, Count von Habsburg (b. 2004), keeps his Austro-Hungarian dynastic rights.
            • Archduke Georg, Prince of Tuscany (1905–1952)
              • (49) Archduke Radbot, Prince of Tuscany (b. 1938); morganatically married to Caroline Proust, with issue.
              • (50) Archduke Georg, Prince of Tuscany (b. 1952)
        • Archduke Karl Salvator, Prince of Tuscany (1839–1892)
          • Archduke Leopold Salvator, Prince of Tuscany (1863–1931)
          • Archduke Franz Salvator, Prince of Tuscany (1866–1939)
            • Archduke Hubert Salvator, Prince of Tuscany (1894–1971)
              • Archduke Friedrich Salvator, Prince of Tuscany (1927–1999)
                • (52) Archduke Leopold, Prince of Tuscany (b. 1956)
                • (53) Archduke Alexander Salvator, Prince of Tuscany (b. 1959); married to Countess Maria-Gabriele von Waldstein
                  • (54) Archduke Constantin Salvator, Prince of Tuscany (b. 2002)
                  • (55) Archduke Paul Salvator, Prince of Tuscany (b. 2003)
              • (56) Archduke Andreas Salvator, Prince of Tuscany (b. 1936); married to (1) β€» Maria de la Piedad Espinosa de los Monteros y Rosillo (2) 2001 (civilly) and 2003 (religiously) Countess Valerie Podstatzky-Lichtenstein. Issue by the second marriage only.
                • (57) Archduke Casimir Salvator, Prince of Tuscany (b. 2003)
              • (58) Archduke Markus, Prince of Tuscany (b. 1946); married morganatically to Hildegard (Hilde) Maria Jungmayr, with issue.
              • (59) Archduke Johann, Prince of Tuscany (b. 1947); married morganatically to Anne-Marie Stummer, with issue.
              • (60) Archduke Michael, Prince of Tuscany (b. 1949); married in 1992 to Eva Antonia von Hofmann, with one daughter.
            • Archduke Theodore Salvator, Prince of Tuscany (1899–1978)
              • (61) Archduke Carl Salvator, Prince of Tuscany (b. 1936); married to Edith Wenzl Frn von Sternbach β€»
                • (62) Count Matthias of Habsburg (b. 1971), keeps his Austro-Hungarian dynastic rights; married in 1995 to (1) β€» Sabine Binder, (2) 1999 β€» Eva Anderle. Had issue by second marriage.
                  • (63) Count Nikolaus of Habsburg (b. 2000), keeps his Austro-Hungarian dynastic rights.
                  • (64) Count Jakob of Habsburg (b. 2001), keeps his Austro-Hungarian dynastic rights.
                  • (65) Count Martin of Habsburg (b. 2011), keeps his Austro-Hungarian dynastic rights.
                • (66) Count Johannes of Habsburg (b. 1974), keeps his Austro-Hungarian dynastic rights; married to Katharina Lieselotte Riedl Edle von Riedenstein
                • (67) Count Bernhard of Habsburg (b. 1977), keeps his Austro-Hungarian dynastic rights.
                • (68) Count Benedikt of Habsburg (b. 1983), keeps his Austro-Hungarian dynastic rights.
            • Archduke Clemens Salvator, Prince of Tuscany (1904–1974); married to Elisabeth Gfn RessΓ©guier de Miremont β€»
              • (69) Clemens, Prince von Altenburg (b. 1932), retroactively integrated into the dynasty; married to Laurence Costa de Beauregard
                • (70) Philipp, Prince von Altenburg (b. 1966), retroactively integrated into the dynasty.
              • (71) Georg, Prince von Altenburg (b. 1933), retroactively integrated into the dynasty.
              • Peter, Prince von Altenburg (1935–2008), retroactively integrated into the dynasty; married to Juliane Gfn von Waldstein-Forni
                • (72) Friedrich, Prince von Altenburg (b. 1966), retroactively integrated into the dynasty; married to Gabriele Gfn von Walterskirchen
                  • (73) Emanuel, Prince von Altenburg (b.2002)
                  • (74) Nikolaus, Prince von Altenburg (b. 2008)
                • (75) Leopold, Prince von Altenburg (b. 1971), retroactively integrated into the dynasty.
              • (76) Franz Josef, Prince von Altenburg (b. 1941), retroactively integrated into the dynasty; married to Christa Frn von HΓ€rdtl
              • (77) Nikolaus, Prince von Altenburg (b. 1942), retroactively integrated into the dynasty.
              • (78) Johannes, Prince von Altenburg (b. 1949), retroactively integrated into the dynasty.
    • Archduke Charles, Duke of Teschen (1771–1847), adopted by Albert of Saxe-Teschen starting the Teschen branch of the Habsburg-Lorraine dynasty.
    • Archduke Joseph, Palatine of Hungary (1776–1847)
      • Archduke Joseph Karl (1833–1905)
        • Archduke Joseph August (1872–1962)
          • Archduke Joseph Francis (1895–1957)
            • Archduke Joseph ÁrpΓ‘d (1933–2017)
              • (80) Archduke Joseph Karl (b. 1960); married to Princess Margarete von Hohenberg
                • (81) Archduke Joseph Albrecht (b. 1994)
                • (82) Archduke Paul Leo (b. 1996)
              • (83) Archduke Andreas-Augustinus (b. 1963); married to Countess Marie-Christine von Hatzfeldt-DΓΆnhoff
                • (84) Archduke Friedrich-Cyprian (b. 1995)
                • (85) Archduke Pierre (b. 1997)
                • (86) Archduke Benedikt-Alexander (b. 2005)
              • (87) Archduke Nikolaus (b. 1973); married to Eugenia de Calonje y Gurrea
                • (88) Archduke NicolΓ‘s (b. 2003)
                • (89) Archduke Santiago (b. 2006)
              • (90) Archduke Johannes (b. 1975); married to MarΓ­a Gabriela Montenegro Villamizar
                • (91) Archduke Johannes (b. 2010)
                • (92) Archduke Alejandro (b. 2011)
                • (93) Archduke Ignacio (b. 2013)
            • (94) Archduke GΓ©za (b. 1940); married morganatically twice to (1) β€» Monika Decker and (2) β€» Elizabeth Jane Kunstadter. Issue by both marriages.
            • (95) Archduke Michael (b. 1942); married to Princess Christiana of LΓΆwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg, his brother's sister-in-law.
              • (96) Archduke Eduard (b. 1967); married to Baroness Maria Theresia von Gudenus
                • (97) Archduke Paul Benedikt (b. 2000)
              • (98) Father Paul Habsburg (b. 1968), a priest of the Legion of Christ


House of Habsburg
Lanzelin I ∞ Liutgarda of Nellenburg
Radbot I ∞ Ida of Lorraine
Werner I ∞ Reginlinde of Nellenburg
Otto II ∞ Hilla of Pfirt
Werner II ∞ Ida of Homberg
Albert III ∞ Ita of Pfullendorf
Rudolf II ∞ Agnes of Staufen
Albert IV ∞ Hedwig of Kyburg
Rudolf IV ∞ Gertrude of Hohenberg
Albert V ∞ Elisabeth of Carinthia
Albert VI ∞ Joanna of Pfirt
Leopold III ∞ Viridis Visconti of Milano
Ernest I ∞ Cymburgis of Masovia
Frederick III ∞ Eleanor of Portugal
Maximilian I ∞ Mary of Burgundy
Philip I ∞ Joanna of Castile
Ferdinand I ∞ Anne of Bohemia and Hungary
Charles II ∞ Maria Anna of Bavaria (I)
Ferdinand II ∞ Maria Anna of Bavaria (II)
Ferdinand III ∞ Maria Anna of Spain
Leopold IV ∞ Eleonore Magdalene of Neuburg


Hypothetical matriarchal reigning dates
β—† denotes Holy Roman Empress


House of Habsburg
– Life span Habsburg reign Name –
1415–1493 10 Jun 1424 – 19 Aug 1493 Frederick III
1459–1519 19 Aug 1493 – 12 Jan 1519 Maximilian I
1478–1506    β€” (died   25 Sep 1506) β€” Philip I of Castile
1503–1564 12 Jan 1519 – 25 Jul 1564 Ferdinand I
1540–1590 25 Jul 1564 – 10 Jul 1590 Charles II of Austria
1578–1637 10 Jul 1590 – 15 Feb 1637 Ferdinand II
1608–1657 15 Feb 1637 – 02 Apr 1657 Ferdinand III
1640–1705 02 Apr 1657 – 05 May 1705 Leopold I
Philip I and Charles II were not Holy Roman Emperors
House of Habsburg
(01 Nov 1700 – 20 Mar 1816)
– Leopold I ∞ Eleonore Magdalene –
Joseph I ∞ Wilhelmine Amalie Maria Anna ∞ John V of Portugal Charles VI ∞ Elisabeth Christine
Maria Josepha ∞ Augustus III Maria Amalia ∞ Charles VII Joseph I of Portugal ∞ Mariana Victoria Peter III of Portugal ∞ Maria I Maria Theresa ∞ Francis I Maria Anna ∞ Charles Alexander
↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

Rulers β†’ Past, Present, Futureβ€»

Template:Orders of succession by countryβ€»

Order of succession
Sophia succession Jacobite succession β€” Liechtensteiner succession
Life span Name Life span Name Life span Name Life span Name
1489–1541 Margaret Tudor = 1489–1541 Margaret Tudor 1478–1506 Philip I of Castile
1512–1542 James V, King of Scots = 1512–1542 James V, King of Scots 1503–1564 Ferdinand I, Holy Roman Emperor
1542–1587 Mary, Queen of Scots = 1542–1587 Mary, Queen of Scots 1540–1590 Charles II, Archduke of Austria Hartmann I of Liechtenstein
1566–1625 James I, King of England = 1566–1625 James I, King of England 1578–1637 Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor 1513–1562 Georg Hartmann of Liechtenstein
1596–1662 Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia 1600–1649 Charles I, King of England 1608–1657 Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor 1544–1585 Hartmann II of Liechtenstein
1630–1714 Sophia of Hanover 1644–1670 Henrietta of England 1640–1705 Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor 1580–1658 Gundakar of Liechtenstein
1660–1727 George I, King of Great Britain 1669–1728 Anne Marie d'OrlΓ©ans 1678–1711 Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor 1613–1686 Hartmann III of Liechtenstein
1683–1760 George II, King of Great Britain 1701–1773 Charles Emmanuel III, King of Sardinia 1699–1757 Maria Josepha of Austria 1664–1704 Philipp Erasmus of Liechtenstein
1707–1751 Frederick, Prince of Wales 1726–1796 Victor Amadeus III, King of Sardinia 1722–1763 Frederick Christian, Elector of Saxony 1700–1771 Emanuel of Liechtenstein
1738–1820 George III, King of the United Kingdom 1759–1824 Victor Emmanuel I, King of Sardinia 1759–1838 Maximilian, Hereditary Prince of Saxony 1726–1781 Franz Joseph I, Prince of Liechtenstein
1767–1820 Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearn 1792–1840 Maria Beatrice of Savoy 1799–1832 Princess Maria Anna of Saxony 1760–1836 Johann I Joseph, Prince of Liechtenstein
1819–1901 Victoria, Queen of the United Kingdom 1821–1849 Ferdinand Karl Viktor, Archduke of Austria-Este 1825–1864 Archduchess Auguste Ferdinande of Austria 1802–1887 Franz de Paula of Liechtenstein
1841–1910 Edward VII, King of the United Kingdom 1849–1919 Maria Theresa of Austria-Este 1845–1921 Ludwig III of Bavaria 1842–1907 Alfred of Liechtenstein
1865–1936 George V, King of the United Kingdom 1869–1955 Rupprecht, Crown Prince of Bavaria = 1869–1955 Rupprecht, Crown Prince of Bavaria 1869–1955 Aloys of Liechtenstein
1895–1952 George VI, King of the United Kingdom 1905–1996 Albrecht, Duke of Bavaria = 1905–1996 Albrecht, Duke of Bavaria 1906–1989 Franz Joseph II, Prince of Liechtenstein
1926–2022 Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom 1937– Max, Prince of Bavaria (heir presumptive) = 1937– Max, Prince of Bavaria (heir presumptive) 1945– Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein
1948– Charles III 1967– Sophie, Hereditary Princess of Liechtenstein = 1967– Sophie, Hereditary Princess of Liechtenstein 1968– Alois, Hereditary Prince of Liechtenstein
1982– William, Prince of Wales 1995– Joseph Wenzel II of Liechtenstein = 1995– Joseph Wenzel II of Liechtenstein = 1995– Joseph Wenzel II of Liechtenstein
2013– George of Wales

Liechtensteiner & Bavarian
– John William Friso ∞ Marie Louise –
Princess Amalia of Nassau-Dietz William IV, Prince of Orange
Charles Frederick, Grand Duke of Baden Princess Carolina of Orange-Nassau
Charles Louis, Hereditary Prince of Baden Princess Henriette of Nassau-Weilburg
Caroline of Baden Duchess Maria Dorothea of WΓΌrttemberg
Princess Sophie of Bavaria Archduchess Elisabeth Franziska of Austria
Archduke Karl Ludwig of Austria Archduchess Maria Theresa of Austria-Este
Archduchess Elisabeth Amalie of Austria Rupprecht, Crown Prince of Bavaria
Franz Joseph II, Prince of Liechtenstein Albrecht, Duke of Bavaria
Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein Prince Max, Duke in Bavaria
Alois, Hereditary Prince of Liechtenstein = Sophie, Hereditary Princess of Liechtenstein
Prince Joseph Wenzel of Liechtenstein

Family tree of Joseph Wenzelβ€»

Hans-Adam IIMarieMaxElisabeth
Joseph Wenzel II

Royal ancestryβ€»

The most recent ancestor of all current European royal houses

Louis IX, Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt ∞ Countess Palatine Caroline of Zweibrücken

A direct line from Louis IX thru George VIIβ€»

A direct line from Louis IX thru Julianaβ€»

Juliana's direct female (matrilineal) lineβ€»

Agnes von Orley
Kunigunde von Rodemachern
Ermesinde von Hollenfels
Margarethe von Elter
Elisabeth von Bolchen zu Zolveren
Elisabeth of Hunolstein-Neumagen
Jutta of Isenberg-Grenzau
Magdalena of Waldeck-Wildungen
Elizabeth of Nassau-Siegen
Sibylle of Waldeck-Wildungen
Maria Elisabeth von Leiningen-Dagsburg-Hartenburg
Charlotte Sibylle von Ahlefeldt-Rixingen
Katharina Polyxena von Solms-RΓΆdelheim
Countess Maria Louise Albertine of Leiningen-Falkenburg-Dagsburg
Landgravine Friederike of Hesse-Darmstadt
Duchess Charlotte Georgine of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
Princess Charlotte of Saxe-Hildburghausen
Princess Pauline of WΓΌrttemberg
Princess Helena of Nassau
Emma of Waldeck and Pyrmont
Wilhelmina of the Netherlands
Juliana of the Netherlands



as reigning matriarch
Name Portrait From To
Georgine 11 Mar 1818 14 May 1818
Charlotte 14 May 1818 12 Dec 1847
Pauline 12 Dec 1847 07 Jul 1856
Helena 07 Jul 1856 28 Oct 1888
Emma 28 Oct 1888 20 Mar 1934
Wilhelmina 20 Mar 1934 28 Nov 1962
Juliana 28 Nov 1962 20 Mar 2004



Queen Juliana ♀
Princess Irene ♀ Princess Christina ♀
Princess Margarita ♀ Princess Carolina ♀ Juliana Guillermo ♀
Julia ten Cate ♀ Paola ten Cate ♀ AlaΓ―a-Maria Brenninkmeijer ♀ Aida Bodhi

Rothschild familyβ€»

(bold denotes date span as patriarch)



Category:Rothschild family

Cavendish familyβ€»

Cavendish family ♀
Alice de Odyngseles
Joan Clopton
Joan Staventon
Katherine Scudamore
Alice Smith
Elizabeth Hardwick
Anne Keighley
Christiana Bruce
Elizabeth Cecil
Mary Butler
Rachel Russell
Catherine Hoskins
Charlotte Boyle
Elizabeth Compton
Louisa O'Callaghan
Blanche Howard
Emma Lascelles
Evelyn Petty-FitzMaurice
Mary Gascoyne-Cecil
Deborah Freeman-Mitford
Amanda Heywood-Lonsdale
Laura Roundell

(bold denotes date span as patriarch)



Category:Cavendish family β™‚

Royal descendants of Christian IX of Denmarkβ€»












Find out about (maybe; won't be easy) nearest common ancestor(s) of John William Friso, Prince of Orange & Marie Louise of Hesse-Kassel and George II of Great Britain & Caroline of Ansbach, who were all born in the 1680s.

Habsburg family treeβ€»

Count of Habsburg

(c. 1188–1239)
Rudolf I
of Germany

(c. 1218–1291)
Albert I
of Germany

Rudolf II
Duke of Austria

Rudolf I
of Bohemia

the Fair

(c. 1289–1330)
Leopold I
Duke of Austria

Albert II
Duke of Austria

the Friendly

Duke of Austria


(c. 1290–1312/13)
Rudolf IV
Duke of Austria

Frederick III
Duke of Austria

Albert III
Duke of Austria

Leopold III
Duke of Austria

Frederick II
Duke of Austria
Leopold II
Duke of Austria

Albert IV
Duke of Austria

Duke of Austria

(c. 1370–1406)
Leopold IV
Duke of Austria

Duke of Austria

Frederick IV
Duke of Austria

Albert II
of Germany

Frederick III

Albert VI
Archduke of Austria

Archduke of Austria

the Posthumous

Maximilian I

Philip I
of Castile

Charles V

Ferdinand I

Philip II
of Spain

Maximilian II

Ferdinand II
Archduke of Austria

Charles II
Archduke of Austria

Prince of Asturias

Philip III
of Spain

Rudolf II

of Austria


Maximilian III
Archduke of Austria

Albert VII
Archduke of Austria

Archduke of Austria

Margrave of Burgau

Margrave of Burgau

Ferdinand II

Maximilian Ernest
of Austria

Leopold V
Archduke of Austria

of Austria

Philip IV
of Spain

of Austria

of Austria

of Austria
Ferdinand III

Leopold Wilhelm
of Austria

Ferdinand Charles
Archduke of Austria

Sigismund Francis
Archduke of Austria

Balthasar Charles
Prince of Asturias

Charles II
of Spain

Ferdinand IV
King of the Romans

Leopold I

Charles Joseph
of Austria

Joseph I

Charles VI


House of Habsburgβ€»

(10 Apr 1232 – 04 Mar 1496)
 Albertinian line  //  Leopoldian line 
β€”  Albert of Habsburg   Rudolf I of Germany  Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· β€”
Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β·
Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β·
 Albert I of Germany  Rudolf I of Bohemia
Frederick of Austria
Leopold I of Austria
 Albert II of Austria  Rudolf IV of Austria
Frederick III of Austria
 Albert III of Austria   Albert IV of Austria   Albert II of Germany   Ladislaus 
 Leopold III of Austria  William of Austria
Leopold IV of Austria
 Ernest I of Austria   Frederick III (HRE)   Maximilian I (HRE)   Philip I of Castile 
Albert VI of Austria
Frederick IV of Austria Sigismund of Austria
Henry of Austria
Otto of Austria Frederick II of Austria
Leopold II of Austria
Hartmann of Austria
Rudolf II of Austria John Parricida
Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β·
Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β·
Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β·
Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β· Β·
(04 Mar 1496 – 20 Oct 1740)
 Spanish / Iberian line  //  Austrian / HRE line 
β€”  Maximilian I (HRE)   Philip I of Castile   Charles V (HRE)   Philip II of Spain  Carlos of Spain β€”
 Philip III of Spain   Philip IV of Spain  Balthasar Charles of Spain
 Charles II of Spain 
Charles of Spain
Ferdinand of Spain
 Ferdinand I (HRE)  Maximilian II (HRE) Rudolf II (HRE)
Ernest of Austria
Matthias (HRE)
Maximilian III of Austria
Albert VII of Austria
Wenceslaus of Austria
Ferdinand II of Austria Andrew of Burgau
Charles of Burgau
 Charles II of Austria   Ferdinand II (HRE)  John-Charles of Austria
 Ferdinand III (HRE)  Ferdinand IV of Austria
 Leopold I (HRE)  Joseph I (HRE)
Charles VI (HRE)
Charles Joseph of Austria
Leopold Wilhelm of Austria
Maximilian Ernest of Austria
Leopold V of Austria Ferdinand Charles of Austria
Sigismund Francis of Austria
Charles of Austria

Habsburg dynastyβ€»

Template:Habsburg family tree
(10 Apr 1232 – 20 Oct 1740)
 Original line  /  Albertinian line  /  Leopoldian line 

 Max and Philip line  /  Spanish / Iberian line  /  Austrian / HRE line 

Count of Habsburg

(c. 1188–1239)
Rudolf I
of Germany

Rudolf I
(c. 1218–1291)
Albert I
of Germany

Albert I
Hartmann I
Rudolf II
Duke of Austria

Rudolf II
Rudolf I
of Bohemia

Rudolf III
the Fair

Frederick I
(c. 1289–1330)
Leopold I
Duke of Austria

Leopold I
Albert II
Duke of Austria

Albert II
the Friendly

Henry I
Duke of Austria

Otto I

John I
(c. 1290–1312/13)
Rudolf IV
Duke of Austria

Rudolf IV
Frederick III
Duke of Austria

Frederick III
Albert III
Duke of Austria

Albert III
Leopold III
Duke of Austria

Leopold III
Frederick II
Duke of Austria
Frederick II
Leopold II
Duke of Austria

Leopold II
Albert IV
Duke of Austria

Albert IV
Duke of Austria

William I
(c. 1370–1406)
Leopold IV
Duke of Austria

Leopold IV
Duke of Austria

Ernest I
Frederick IV
Duke of Austria

Frederick IV
Albert II
of Germany

Albert V
Frederick III

Frederick V
Albert VI
Archduke of Austria

Albert VI
Archduke of Austria

Sigismund I
the Posthumous

Ladislaus I
Maximilian I

Maximilian I
Philip I
of Castile

Philip I
Charles V

Charles I
Ferdinand I

Ferdinand I
Philip II
of Spain

Philip II
Maximilian II

Maximilian II
Ferdinand II
Archduke of Austria

Ferdinand II
Charles II
Archduke of Austria

Charles II
Prince of Asturias

Carlos I
Philip III
of Spain

Philip III
Rudolf II

Rudolf V
of Austria

Ernest II

Matthias I
Maximilian III
Archduke of Austria

Maximilian III
Albert VII
Archduke of Austria

Albert VII
Archduke of Austria

Wenceslaus I
Margrave of Burgau

Andrew I
Margrave of Burgau

Charles III
Ferdinand II

Ferdinand III
Maximilian Ernest
of Austria

Maximilian Ernest I
Leopold V
Archduke of Austria

Leopold V
of Austria

Charles IV
Philip IV
of Spain

Philip IV
of Austria

Carlos II
of Austria

Ferdinand V
of Austria
John-Charles I
Ferdinand III

Ferdinand IV
Leopold Wilhelm
of Austria

Leopold Wilhelm I
Ferdinand Charles
Archduke of Austria

Ferdinand Charles I
Sigismund Francis
Archduke of Austria

Sigismund Francis I
Balthasar Charles
Prince of Asturias

Balthasar Charles I
Charles II
of Spain

Charles V
Ferdinand IV
King of the Romans

Ferdinand VI
Leopold I

Leopold VI
Charles Joseph
of Austria

Charles Joseph I
Joseph I

Joseph I
Charles VI

Charles VI

Habsburg (male-line) dynastyβ€»

(10 Apr 1232 – 20 Oct 1740)

Habsburg numerical designationβ€»

(65 = total count)
Tree sequence order
Habsburg dynasty
β€” Name Born Died β€”
Albert 1188 1239
Rudolf I 1218 1291
Albert I 1255 1308
Hartmann I 1263 1281
Rudolf II 1270 1290
Rudolf III 1281 1307
Frederick I 1289 1330
Leopold I 1290 1326
Albert II 1298 1358
Henry I 1299 1327
Otto I 1301 1339
John I 1290 1313
Rudolf IV 1339 1365
Frederick III 1347 1362
Albert III 1349 1395
Leopold III 1351 1386
Frederick II 1327 1344
Leopold II 1328 1344
Albert IV 1377 1404
William I 1370 1406
Leopold IV 1371 1411
Ernest I 1377 1424
Frederick IV 1382 1439
Albert V 1397 1439
Frederick V 1415 1493
Albert VI 1418 1463
Sigismund I 1427 1496
Ladislaus I 1440 1457
Maximilian I 1459 1519
Philip I 1478 1506
Charles I 1500 1558
Ferdinand I 1503 1564
Philip II 1527 1598
Maximilian II 1527 1576
Ferdinand II 1529 1595
Charles II 1540 1590
Carlos I 1545 1568
Philip III 1578 1621
Rudolf V 1552 1612
Ernest II 1553 1595
Matthias I 1557 1619
Maximilian III 1558 1618
Albert VII 1559 1621
Wenceslaus I 1561 1578
Andrew I 1558 1600
Charles III 1560 1618
Ferdinand III 1578 1637
Maximilian Ernest I 1583 1616
Leopold V 1586 1632
Charles IV 1590 1624
Philip IV 1605 1665
Carlos II 1607 1632
Ferdinand V 1609 1641
John-Charles I 1605 1619
Ferdinand IV 1608 1657
Leopold Wilhelm I 1614 1662
Ferdinand Charles I 1628 1662
Sigismund Francis I 1630 1665
Balthasar Charles I 1629 1646
Charles V 1661 1700
Ferdinand VI 1633 1654
Leopold VI 1640 1705
Charles Joseph I 1649 1664
Joseph I 1678 1711
Charles VI 1685 1740
Habsburg dynasty
β€” Name Born Died β€”
Albert 1188 1239
Albert I 1255 1308
Albert II 1298 1358
Albert III 1349 1395
Albert IV 1377 1404
Albert V 1397 1439
Albert VI 1418 1463
Albert VII 1559 1621
Andrew I 1558 1600
Balthasar Charles I 1629 1646
Carlos I 1545 1568
Carlos II 1607 1632
Charles I 1500 1558
Charles II 1540 1590
Charles III 1560 1618
Charles IV 1590 1624
Charles V 1661 1700
Charles VI 1685 1740
Charles Joseph I 1649 1664
Ernest I 1377 1424
Ernest II 1553 1595
Ferdinand I 1503 1564
Ferdinand II 1529 1595
Ferdinand III 1578 1637
Ferdinand IV 1608 1657
Ferdinand V 1609 1641
Ferdinand VI 1633 1654
Ferdinand Charles I 1628 1662
Frederick I 1289 1330
Frederick II 1327 1344
Frederick III 1347 1362
Frederick IV 1382 1439
Frederick V 1415 1493
Hartmann I 1263 1281
Henry I 1299 1327
John I 1290 1313
John-Charles I 1605 1619
Joseph I 1678 1711
Ladislaus I 1440 1457
Leopold I 1290 1326
Leopold II 1328 1344
Leopold III 1351 1386
Leopold IV 1371 1411
Leopold V 1586 1632
Leopold VI 1640 1705
Leopold Wilhelm I 1614 1662
Matthias I 1557 1619
Maximilian I 1459 1519
Maximilian II 1527 1576
Maximilian III 1558 1618
Maximilian Ernest I 1583 1616
Otto I 1301 1339
Philip I 1478 1506
Philip II 1527 1598
Philip III 1578 1621
Philip IV 1605 1665
Rudolf I 1218 1291
Rudolf II 1270 1290
Rudolf III 1281 1307
Rudolf IV 1339 1365
Rudolf V 1552 1612
Sigismund I 1427 1496
Sigismund Francis I 1630 1665
Wenceslaus I 1561 1578
William I 1370 1406

Legitimate only; all over seven-years of age.

Habsburg numerical representationβ€»

Pre-designated numerationβ€»

(More than one pre-designated numerical value)
Number Name Holders
7 Albert
2 Carlos
6 Charles
2 Ernest
6 Ferdinand
5 Frederick
6 Leopold
3 Maximilian
4 Philip
5 Rudolf

Number Name Holders
7 Albert
6 Leopold
6 Charles
6 Ferdinand
5 Rudolf
5 Frederick
4 Philip
3 Maximilian
2 Ernest
2 Carlos

House of Savoyβ€»

See β†’ next-in-line
Counts of Villafranca

Imperial House of Japanβ€»

Yamato Dynasty

Nakayama YoshikoEmperor KōmeiHorikawa Kiko
Yanagiwara NarukoEmperor MeijiSono SachikoPrincess Suma
Emperor TaishōEmpress TeimeiFour daughters
2, 3, 4
Emperor ShōwaEmpress KōjunPrince ChichibuPrincess ChichibuPrince TakamatsuPrincess TakamatsuPrince MikasaPrincess Mikasa
The Emperor EmeritusThe Empress EmeritaPrince HitachiPrincess HitachiFive daughters
2, 3, 4, 5
Prince Tomohito of MikasaPrincess Tomohito of MikasaPrince KatsuraPrince TakamadoPrincess TakamadoTwo daughters
1, 2
The EmperorThe EmpressCrown Prince AkishinoCrown Princess AkishinoSayako KurodaPrincess Akiko of MikasaPrincess Yōko of MikasaPrincess Tsuguko of TakamadoTwo daughters
1, 2
Princess ToshiMako KomuroPrincess KakoPrince Hisahito

Succession to the Japanese throneβ€»

Japanese era names
76 Naohito Prince Naohito 24 September 1732 03 July 1753
77 Sukehito Prince Sukehito 03 July 1753 01 August 1794
78 Kōkaku Emperor Kōkaku 01 August 1794 11 December 1840
79 Ninkō Emperor Ninkō 11 December 1840 21 February 1846
80 Kōmei Emperor Kōmei 21 February 1846 30 January 1867
81 Meiji Emperor Meiji 30 January 1867 30 July 1912
82 Taishō Emperor Taishō 30 July 1912 25 December 1926
83 Shōwa Emperor Shōwa 25 December 1926 07 January 1989
84 Heisei Emperor Heisei 07 January 1989 30 April 2019
β€” β€” Reiwa Emperor Reiwa 01 May 2019
85 β€” Prince Akishino
86 β€” Prince Hisahito
Chrysanthemum Throne
bold = direct male-line
italics = deceased
green = living

Yamato dynasty β€»

(Only direct male-line descendants are dynasts, i.e. the Yamato dynasty.)

Family tree of Japanese monarchsβ€»

Yamato Takeru
Keitai (458–531)
Kinmei (509–571)
Bidatsu (538–585)
Oshisaka (556–613)
Jomei (593–641)
Tenji (626–672)
Shiki (667–716)
Kōnin (708–782)
Kanmu (737–806)
Saga (786–842)
Ninmyō (808–850)
Kōkō (830–887)
Uda (866–931)
Daigo (885–930)
Murakami (924–967)
En'yΕ« (959–991)
Ichijō (980–1011)
Go-Suzaku (1009–1045)
Go-Sanjō (1032–1073)
Shirakawa (1053–1129)
Horikawa (1079–1107)
Toba (1103–1156)
Go-Shirakawa (1127–1192)
Takakura (1161–1181)
Go-Toba (1180–1239)
Tsuchimikado (1196–1231)
Go-Saga (1220–1272)
Go-Fukakusa (1243–1304)
Fushimi (1265–1317)
Go-Fushimi (1288–1336)
Kōgon (1313–1364)
Sukō (1334–1398)
Yoshihito (1351–1416)
Sadafusa (1372–1456)
Go-Hanazono (1419–1471)
Go-Tsuchimikado (1442–1500)
Go-Kashiwabara (1462–1526)
Go-Nara (1495–1557)
Ōgimachi (1517–1593)
Masahito (1552–1586)
Go-Yōzei (1571–1617)
Go-Mizunoo (1596–1680)
Reigen (1654–1732)
Higashiyama (1675–1710)
Naohito (1704–1753)
Sukehito (1733–1794)
Kōkaku (1771–1840)
Ninkō (1800–1846)
Kōmei (1831–1867)
Meiji (1852–1912)
Taishō (1879–1926)
Shōwa (1901–1989)
Heisei – Emperor Akihito (b. 1933)
Prince Akishino (b. 1965)
Prince Hisahito (b. 2006)

Direct male line / Generational reigns
denotes emperor
denotes non-emperor
Japanese emperors
01 Kuni
02 Toyo-kumono
03 Uhijini
04 Tsunuguhi
05 Ōtonoji
06 Omodaru
07 Izanagi
08 Susanoo
09 Ame
10 Ninigi
11 Hoori
12 Ugayafukiaezu
13 Jimmu
14 Suizei
15 Annei
16 Itoku
17 Kōshō
18 Kōan
19 Kōrei
20 Kōgen
21 Kaika
22 Sujin
23 Suinin
24 Keikō
25 Yamato Takeru
26 ChΕ«ai
27 Ōjin
28 Wakanuke
29 Ohohoto
30 Ohi
31 Hikoushi
32 Keitai c. 500 10 March 531
33 Kinmei 10 March 531 15 April 571
34 Bidatsu 15 April 571 14 September 585
35 Oshisaka 14 September 585 613
36 Jomei 613 17 November 641
37 Tenji 17 November 641 07 January 672
38 Shiki 07 January 672 716
39 Kōnin 716 11 January 782
40 Kanmu 11 January 782 09 April 806
41 Saga 09 April 806 24 August 842
42 Ninmyō 24 August 842 06 May 850
43 Kōkō 06 May 850 17 September 887
44 Uda 17 September 887 03 September 931
45 Daigo β€” β€”
46 Murakami 03 September 931 05 July 967
47 En'yΕ« 05 July 967 01 March 991
48 Ichijō 01 March 991 25 July 1011
49 Go-Suzaku 25 July 1011 07 February 1045
50 Go-Sanjō 07 February 1045 15 June 1073
51 Shirakawa 15 June 1073 24 July 1129
52 Horikawa β€” β€”
53 Toba 24 July 1129 20 July 1156
54 Go-Shirakawa 20 July 1156 26 April 1192
55 Takakura β€” β€”
56 Go-Toba 26 April 1192 28 March 1239
57 Tsuchimikado β€” β€”
58 Go-Saga 28 March 1239 17 March 1272
59 Go-Fukakusa 17 March 1272 17 August 1304
60 Fushimi 17 August 1304 08 October 1317
61 Go-Fushimi 08 October 1317 17 May 1336
62 Kōgon 17 May 1336 05 August 1364
63 Sukō 05 August 1364 31 January 1398
64 Yoshihito 31 January 1398 1416
65 Sadafusa 1416 1456
66 Go-Hanazono 1456 18 January 1471
67 Go-Tsuchimikado 18 January 1471 21 October 1500
68 Go-Kashiwabara 21 October 1500 19 May 1526
69 Go-Nara 19 May 1526 27 September 1557
70 Ōgimachi 27 September 1557 06 February 1593
71 Masahito β€” β€”
72 Go-Yōzei 06 February 1593 25 September 1617
73 Go-Mizunoo 25 September 1617 11 September 1680
74 Reigen 11 September 1680 24 September 1732
75 Higashiyama β€” β€”
76 Naohito 24 September 1732 03 July 1753
77 Sukehito 03 July 1753 01 August 1794
78 Kōkaku 01 August 1794 11 December 1840
79 Ninkō 11 December 1840 21 February 1846
80 Kōmei 21 February 1846 30 January 1867
81 Meiji 30 January 1867 30 July 1912
82 Taishō 30 July 1912 25 December 1926
83 Shōwa 25 December 1926 07 January 1989
84 Heisei 07 January 1989
85 Akishino
86 Hisahito

List of rulers of Moroccoβ€»

Alaouite dynastyβ€»

Succession to the Moroccan throne

(Agnatic primogeniture)

List of kings of Jordanβ€»

Hashemite dynastyβ€»

Succession to the Jordanian throne

(Agnatic primogeniture)

Arabian Peninsulaβ€»

King of Saudi Arabiaβ€»

Saudi Arabia

House of Saudβ€»

Succession to the Saudi Arabian throne

Imams of Yemenβ€»


House of Mutawakkiliteβ€»

Succession to the Yemeni throne

List of rulers of Omanβ€»


House of Al Saidβ€»

Succession to the Omani throne

List of rulers of the UAEβ€»

United Arab Emirates

House of Al Nahyanβ€»

Succession to the UAE throne

Emir of Qatarβ€»


House of Al Thaniβ€»

Succession to the Qatari throne

King of Bahrainβ€»


House of Khalifaβ€»

Succession to the Bahraini throne

Emir of Kuwaitβ€»


House of Al Sabahβ€»

Succession to the Kuwaiti throne

Kingdom of Greeceβ€»

List of kings of Greeceβ€»

Line of succession to the former Greek throne

Habsburg dynastyβ€»

(10 Apr 1232 – 20 Oct 1740)β€»

(10 Apr 1232 – 04 Mar 1496)
 Albertinian Line  //  Leopoldian line 
β€”  Albert of Habsburg   Rudolf I of Germany  Β· β€”
 Albert I of Germany  Rudolf I of Bohemia
Frederick of Austria
Leopold I of Austria
 Albert II of Austria  Rudolf IV of Austria
Frederick III of Austria
 Albert III of Austria   Albert IV of Austria   Albert II of Germany   Ladislaus 
 Leopold III of Austria  William of Austria
Leopold IV of Austria
 Ernest I of Austria   Frederick III (HRE)   Maximilian I (HRE)   Philip I of Castile 
Albert VI of Austria
Frederick IV of Austria Sigismund of Austria
Henry of Austria
Otto of Austria Frederick II of Austria
Leopold II of Austria
Hartmann of Austria
Rudolf II of Austria John Parricida
(04 Mar 1496 – 20 Oct 1740)
 Spanish / Iberian line  //  Austrian / HRE line 
β€”  Maximilian I (HRE)   Philip I of Castile   Charles V (HRE)   Philip II of Spain  Carlos of Spain β€”
 Philip III of Spain   Philip IV of Spain  Balthasar Charles of Spain
 Charles II of Spain 
Charles of Spain
Ferdinand of Spain
 Ferdinand I (HRE)  Maximilian II (HRE) Rudolf II (HRE)
Ernest of Austria
Matthias (HRE)
Maximilian III of Austria
Albert VII of Austria
Wenceslaus of Austria
Ferdinand II of Austria Andrew of Burgau
Charles of Burgau
 Charles II of Austria   Ferdinand II (HRE)  John-Charles of Austria
 Ferdinand III (HRE)  Ferdinand IV of Austria
 Leopold I (HRE)  Joseph I (HRE)
Charles VI (HRE)
Charles Joseph of Austria
Leopold Wilhelm of Austria
Maximilian Ernest of Austria
Leopold V of Austria Ferdinand Charles of Austria
Sigismund Francis of Austria
Charles of Austria



Most recent common ancestorβ€»

Royal descendants of John William Frisoβ€»


Duke / Duchess

Marquess / Marchioness

Earl (Count) / Countess

Viscount / Viscountess

Baron / Baroness

Peerages in the United Kingdomβ€»

Template:UK Peeragesβ€»

UK and IE peerages and baronetcies
Extant All
Duke / Duchess Dukedoms
Marquess / Marchioness Marquessates
Earl (Count) / Countess Earldoms
Viscount / Viscountess Viscountcies
Baron / Baroness Baronies
Baronet / Baronetess Baronetcies

(four total)

(their may have been a possible fifth baronetess, though this is disputed)


Current duchesses
β€” 1. Duchess of Cornwall Catherine, Duchess of Cornwall β€”
2. Duchess of Rothesay Catherine, Duchess of Rothesay
34. Duchess of Cambridge Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge
35. Duchess of Sussex Meghan, Duchess of Sussex
33. Duchess of York Sarah, Duchess of York
36. Duchess of Edinburgh Sophie, Duchess of Edinburgh
31. Duchess of Gloucester Birgitte, Duchess of Gloucester
Claire, Duchess of Gloucester – (future)
32. Duchess of Kent Katharine, Duchess of Kent
Sylvana, Duchess of Kent – (future)
3. Duchess of Norfolk Georgina, Duchess of Norfolk
Cecilia, Duchess of Norfolk – (future)
4. Duchess of Somerset Judith-Rose, Duchess of Somerset
5. Duchess of Richmond Janet, Duchess of Richmond
6. Duchess of Lennox Janet, Duchess of Lennox
7. Duchess of Gordon Janet, Duchess of Gordon
8. Duchess of Grafton Olivia, Duchess of Grafton
9. Duchess of Beaufort Georgia, Duchess of Beaufort
10. Duchess of St Albans Gillian, Duchess of St Albans
11. Duchess of Bedford Louise, Duchess of Bedford
12. Duchess of Devonshire Amanda, Duchess of Devonshire
Laura, Duchess of Devonshire – (future)
13. Duchess of Marlborough Edla, Duchess of Marlborough
Camilla, Duchess of Marlborough – (future)
14. Duchess of Rutland Emma, Duchess of Rutland
15. Duchess of Hamilton Sophie, Duchess of Hamilton
16. Duchess of Brandon Sophie, Duchess of Brandon
17. Duchess of Buccleuch Elizabeth, Duchess of Buccleuch – (future)
18. Duchess of Queensberry Elizabeth, Duchess of Queensberry – (future)
19. Duchess of Argyll Eleanor, Duchess of Argyll
20. Duchess of Atholl Lynne, Duchess of Atholl
21. Duchess of Montrose Cecilia, Duchess of Montrose – (future)
22. Duchess of Roxburghe Annabel, Duchess of Roxburghe
23. Duchess of Manchester Wendy, Duchess of Manchester
24. Duchess of Northumberland Jane, Duchess of Northumberland
25. Duchess of Leinster Barbara, Duchess of Leinster
Laura, Duchess of Leinster – (future)
26. Duchess of Wellington Antonia, Duchess of Wellington
Jemma, Duchess of Wellington – (future)
27. Duchess of Sutherland Victoria, Duchess of Sutherland
Barbara, Duchess of Sutherland – (future)
28. Duchess of Abercorn Tanya, Duchess of Abercorn – (future)
29. Duchess of Westminster Olivia, Duchess of Westminster – (future)
30. Duchess of Fife Caroline, Duchess of Fife
Camille, Duchess of Fife – (future)

Argyll β€” Scotland and UK

List of current knights and ladies of the Garterβ€»

List of knights and ladies of the Garter

Most Noble Order of the Garter
1990 (LG) Lavinia, Duchess of Norfolk LG CBE
1994 (KG) Anne, Princess Royal KG KT GCVO GCStJ QSO GCL CMM CD ADC
2003 (KG) Princess Alexandra KG GCVO CD
2022 (LG) Queen Camilla LG LT GCVO ONZ GBE CSM CD PC
2024 (LG) Birgitte, Duchess of Gloucester LG GCVO DStJ CD

Monarchies in Europeβ€»

Monarchies in Europe
β€” Monarchy Succession since 2000 β€”
β€”  Kingdom of Belgium β†’ Albert II β†’ Philippe β†’ Elisabeth β†’ β†’ β€”
Denmark Kingdom of Denmark β†’ Margrethe II β†’ Frederik X β†’ Christian XI β†’ β†’
 Principality of Liechtenstein β†’ Hans-Adam II β†’ Alois β†’ Joseph Wenzel II β†’ β†’
 Grand Duchy of Luxembourg β†’ Jean β†’ Henri β†’ Guillaume β†’ Charles β†’
 Principality of Monaco β†’ Rainier III β†’ Albert II β†’ Jacques β†’ β†’
 Kingdom of the Netherlands β†’ Beatrix β†’ Willem-Alexander β†’ Catharina-Amalia β†’ β†’
 Kingdom of Norway β†’ Harald V β†’ Haakon VIII β†’ Ingrid Alexandra β†’ β†’
 Kingdom of Spain β†’ Juan Carlos I β†’ Felipe VI β†’ Leonor β†’ β†’
 Kingdom of Sweden β†’ Carl XVI Gustaf β†’ Victoria β†’ Estelle β†’ β†’
 United Kingdom β†’ Elizabeth II β†’ Charles III β†’ William V β†’ George VII β†’
β€” β€”

Monarchies since 1 January 2000.
Bold denotes current monarch.
Note that succession may change.

Monarchies in Europe
Belgium Albert II Philippe Elisabeth β€”
Denmark Margrethe II Frederik X Christian XI β€”
Liechtenstein Hans-Adam II Alois Joseph Wenzel II β€”
Luxembourg Jean Henri Guillaume Charles
Monaco Rainier III Albert II Jacques β€”
Netherlands Beatrix Willem-Alexander Catharina-Amalia β€”
Norway Harald V Haakon VIII Ingrid Alexandra β€”
Spain Juan Carlos I Felipe VI Leonor β€”
Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf Victoria Estelle β€”
United Kingdom Elizabeth II Charles III William V George VII

Current European monarchiesβ€»

Monarchy Monarch Title Succession Heir apparent Mode
 Kingdom of Belgium Philippe King Belgium Elisabeth Absolute primogeniture
Denmark Kingdom of Denmark Frederik X King Denmark Christian XI Absolute primogeniture
 Principality of Liechtenstein Hans-Adam II Sovereign Prince Liechtenstein Alois Agnatic primogeniture
 Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Henri Grand Duke Luxembourg Guillaume Absolute primogeniture
 Principality of Monaco Albert II Sovereign Prince Monaco Jacques Male-preference primogeniture
 Kingdom of the Netherlands Willem-Alexander King Netherlands Catharina-Amalia Absolute primogeniture
 Kingdom of Norway Harald V King Norway Haakon Absolute primogeniture
 Kingdom of Spain Felipe VI King Spain Leonor (heiress presumptive) Male-preference primogeniture
 Kingdom of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf King Sweden Victoria Absolute primogeniture
 United Kingdom Charles III King United Kingdom William V Absolute primogeniture

Future queens regnantβ€»

Heiress apparentβ€»

Heiress presumptiveβ€»

Baron Inchiquinβ€»

O'Brien dynastyβ€»

Henry VIIIβ€»

List of English royal mistresses

Boldface denotes date of reign.

See also β†’ Mistresses / Wives / Children

Note: Henry VIII's line ended on 24 Mar 1603. His elder sister Margaret Tudor's line was absorbed into the
Stuart line by the survival of her only remaining child with James IV, their son James V. James V had only one
child to reach adulthood, his daughter Mary, Queen of Scots, who, in turn, had only one child, James VI and I.

James IIβ€»

James II was the son of Charles I, who was the son of James VI and I.

Boldface denotes date of reign.
Italic bolding denotes Jacobite succession
reign from James Francis Edward Stuart.

Note: The above listing does not include James II's illegitimate children.
James Francis Edward Stuart's line may have ended on 28 Oct 1854 if his
great-granddaughter Marie Victoire AdΓ©laΓ―de de Rohan had no descendants.

House of Hanoverβ€»

Matrilineality of Alexandraβ€»

  1. Elisabeth Mick
  2. Eva Schefer
  3. Elisabeth Engelhardt
  4. Margaretha Rothermel
  5. Elisabetha RΓΆhrig
  6. Margaretha Berg
  7. Margaret Majer
  8. Grace Kelly
  9. Caroline Grimaldi
  10. Princess Alexandra of Hanover

German Princess Royal lineβ€»

Hanoverian princess
β€” Sophia, Princess Royal 01 Aug 1714 β€” 28 Jun 1757 β€”
Anne, Princess Royal 28 Jun 1757 β€” 12 Jan 1759
Augusta, Princess Royal 12 Jan 1759 β€” 23 Mar 1813
Charlotte, Princess Royal 23 Mar 1813 β€” 05 Oct 1828
vacant 05 Oct 1828 β€” 09 Jan 1848
Princess Frederica of Hanover 09 Jan 1848 β€” 16 Oct 1926
Princess Marie Louise of Hanover 16 Oct 1926 β€” 31 Jan 1948
Princess Frederica of Hanover 31 Jan 1948 β€” 06 Feb 1981
Princess Marie of Hanover 06 Feb 1981 β€” present
Princess Alexandra of Hanover (future)
Princess Elisabeth of Hanover (future)
future (future)

Guelph dynastyβ€»

– George I, King of Great Britain John William Friso ∞ Marie Louise –
George II, King of Great Britain William IV, Prince of Orange
Frederick, Prince of Wales Princess Carolina of Orange-Nassau
George III, King of the United Kingdom Princess Henriette of Nassau-Weilburg
Ernest Augustus, King of Hanover Duchess Amelia of WΓΌrttemberg
George V, King of Hanover = Princess Marie of Saxe-Altenburg
Ernest Augustus, Prince of Hanover
Ernest Augustus, Duke of Brunswick
Ernest Augustus, Prince of Hanover
Ernst August, Prince of Hanover
Prince Ernst August of Hanover
Prince Welf August of Hanover

House of Hanoverβ€»

      Elizabeth Stuart (1596–1662)
      Sophia of Hanover (1630–1714)
Patrilineal descent
  1. George I of Great Britain (1660–1727)
  2. George II of Great Britain (1683–1760)
  3. Frederick, Prince of Wales (1707–1751)
  4. George III of the United Kingdom (1738–1820)
  5. Ernest Augustus, King of Hanover (1771–1851)
  6. George V of Hanover (1819–1878)
  7. Ernest Augustus, Crown Prince of Hanover (1845–1923)
  8. Ernest Augustus, Duke of Brunswick (1887–1953)
  9. Ernest Augustus, Prince of Hanover (1914–1987)
  10. Ernst August, Prince of Hanover (b. 1954)
  11. Prince Ernst August of Hanover (b. 1983)
  12. Prince Welf August of Hanover (b. 2019)

British and German linesβ€»

British line German line
Elizabeth Stuart George
Sophia of Hanover = Ernest Augustus I
George I
George II
Prince Frederick
George III
Prince Edward Ernest Augustus II
Queen Victoria George V of Hanover
Edward VII Ernest Augustus III
George V Ernest Augustus IV
George VI Ernest Augustus V
Elizabeth II Ernest Augustus VI
Charles III Ernest Augustus VII
William V Welf Augustus
George VII β€”
George V of Hanover George V of Hanover

British / German Princess Royal linesβ€»

β€” British line β€” German line β€”
Elizabeth of York Elizabeth of York
Margaret Tudor Margaret Tudor
Margaret Douglas Margaret Douglas
Mary, Queen of Scots Mary, Queen of Scots
vacant vacant
Elizabeth Stuart Princess Elizabeth of Hanover
Sophia, Princess Royal Princess Sophia of Hanover
Sophia Charlotte, Princess Royal Princess Sophia Charlotte of Hanover
Sophia Dorothea, Princess Royal Princess Sophia Dorothea of Hanover
Anne, Princess Royal Princess Anne of Hanover
Augusta, Princess Royal Princess Augusta of Hanover
Charlotte, Princess Royal Princess Charlotte of Hanover
Queen Victoria vacant
Victoria, Princess Royal Princess Frederica of Hanover
Louise, Princess Royal Princess Marie Louise of Hanover
Mary, Princess Royal Princess Frederica of Hanover
Queen Elizabeth II Princess Marie of Hanover
Anne, Princess Royal Princess Alexandra of Hanover
vacant Princess Elisabeth of Hanover
Charlotte, Princess Royal future
future future
Princess Sophia Dorothea of Hanover Princess Sophia Dorothea of Hanover

Jacobite successionβ€»

β€” Jacobite ~ Princess Royal ~ line β€”
Elizabeth of York 09 Apr 1483 – 11 Feb 1503
Margaret Tudor 11 Feb 1503 – 18 Oct 1541
Margaret Douglas 18 Oct 1541 – 07 Mar 1578
Mary, Queen of Scots 07 Mar 1578 – 08 Feb 1587
vacant 08 Feb 1587 – 19 Aug 1596
Elizabeth Stuart 19 Aug 1596 – 13 Feb 1662
Henrietta of England 13 Feb 1662 – 30 Jun 1670
Anne Marie d'OrlΓ©ans 30 Jun 1670 – 26 Aug 1728
Marie AdΓ©laΓ―de of Savoy 26 Aug 1728 – 12 Feb 1712
Eleonora of Savoy 12 Feb 1712 – 14 Aug 1781
Marie JosΓ©phine of Savoy 14 Aug 1781 – 13 Nov 1810
Maria Beatrice of Savoy 13 Nov 1810 – 15 Sep 1840
Maria Theresa of Austria-Este 15 Sep 1840 – 25 Mar 1886
Maria Theresa of Austria-Este 25 Mar 1886 – 03 Feb 1919
Adelgunde of Bavaria 03 Feb 1919 – 04 Jan 1958
Irmingard of Bavaria 04 Jan 1958 – 23 Oct 2010
Marie Gabrielle of Bavaria 23 Oct 2010 – present
Sophie of Liechtenstein future
Marie Caroline of Liechtenstein future

British / German / Jacobite ~ Princess Royal ~ linesβ€»

β€” British line β€” German line β€” Jacobite line β€”
Elizabeth of York Elizabeth of York Elizabeth of York
Margaret Tudor Margaret Tudor Margaret Tudor
Margaret Douglas Margaret Douglas Margaret Douglas
Mary, Queen of Scots Mary, Queen of Scots Mary, Queen of Scots
vacant vacant vacant
Elizabeth Stuart Princess Elizabeth of Hanover Elizabeth Stuart
Sophia, Princess Royal Princess Sophia of Hanover Henrietta of England
Sophia Charlotte, Princess Royal Princess Sophia Charlotte of Hanover Anne Marie d'OrlΓ©ans
Sophia Dorothea, Princess Royal Princess Sophia Dorothea of Hanover Marie AdΓ©laΓ―de of Savoy
Anne, Princess Royal Princess Anne of Hanover Eleonora of Savoy
Augusta, Princess Royal Princess Augusta of Hanover Marie JosΓ©phine of Savoy
Charlotte, Princess Royal Princess Charlotte of Hanover Maria Beatrice of Savoy
Queen Victoria vacant Maria Theresa of Austria-Este
Victoria, Princess Royal Princess Frederica of Hanover Maria Theresa of Austria-Este
Louise, Princess Royal Princess Marie Louise of Hanover Adelgunde of Bavaria
Mary, Princess Royal Princess Frederica of Hanover Irmingard of Bavaria
Queen Elizabeth II Princess Marie of Hanover Marie Gabrielle of Bavaria
Anne, Princess Royal Princess Alexandra of Hanover Sophie of Liechtenstein
vacant Princess Elisabeth of Hanover Marie Caroline of Liechtenstein
Charlotte, Princess Royal future future
future future future
Princess Sophia Dorothea of Hanover Princess Sophia Dorothea of Hanover Princess Sophia Dorothea of Hanover

Sofia and Jacobite successionsβ€»

Monarchy of the United Kingdom
– Sophia succession Jacobite succession –
Name Reign Name Reign
Margaret 21 Apr 1509 β€” 18 Oct 1541 Margaret 21 Apr 1509 β€” 18 Oct 1541
James V 18 Oct 1541 β€” 14 Dec 1542 James V 18 Oct 1541 β€” 14 Dec 1542
Mary 14 Dec 1542 β€” 08 Feb 1587 Mary 14 Dec 1542 β€” 08 Feb 1587
James VI 08 Feb 1587 β€” 27 Mar 1625 James VI 08 Feb 1587 β€” 27 Mar 1625
Elizabeth 27 Mar 1625 β€” 13 Feb 1662 Charles 27 Mar 1625 β€” 30 Jan 1649
Sophia 13 Feb 1662 β€” 08 Jun 1714 Henrietta 30 Jan 1649 β€” 30 Jun 1670
George I 08 Jun 1714 β€” 22 Jun 1727 Anne Marie 30 Jun 1670 β€” 26 Aug 1728
George II 22 Jun 1727 β€” 25 Oct 1760 Charles Emmanuel 26 Aug 1728 β€” 20 Feb 1773
Frederick 25 Oct 1760 β€” 31 Mar 1751 Victor Amadeus 20 Feb 1773 β€” 16 Oct 1796
George III 25 Oct 1760 β€” 29 Jan 1820 Victor Emmanuel 16 Oct 1796 β€” 10 Jan 1824
Edward 29 Jan 1820 β€” 23 Jan 1820 Maria Beatrice 10 Jan 1824 β€” 15 Sep 1840
Victoria 29 Jan 1820 β€” 22 Jan 1901 Ferdinand Karl 15 Sep 1840 β€” 15 Dec 1849
Edward VII 22 Jan 1901 β€” 06 May 1910 Maria Theresa 15 Dec 1849 β€” 03 Feb 1919
George V 06 May 1910 β€” 20 Jan 1936 Rupprecht 03 Feb 1919 β€” 02 Aug 1955
George VI 20 Jan 1936 β€” 06 Feb 1952 Albrecht 02 Aug 1955 β€” 08 Jul 1996
Elizabeth II 06 Feb 1952 β€” 08 Sep 2022 Max 08 Jul 1996 β€” present
Charles III 08 Sep 2022 β€” present Sophie
William V Joseph
George VII
Succession to the British throne



Monarchy of the United Kingdom
Monarch Reign
Elizabeth 27 Mar 1625 β€” 13 Feb 1662
Sophia 13 Feb 1662 β€” 08 Jun 1714
George I 08 Jun 1714 β€” 22 Jun 1727
George II 22 Jun 1727 β€” 25 Oct 1760
Frederick 25 Oct 1760 β€” 31 Mar 1751
George III 25 Oct 1760 β€” 29 Jan 1820
Edward 29 Jan 1820 β€” 23 Jan 1820
Victoria 29 Jan 1820 β€” 22 Jan 1901
Edward VII 22 Jan 1901 β€” 06 May 1910
George V 06 May 1910 β€” 20 Jan 1936
George VI 20 Jan 1936 β€” 06 Feb 1952
Elizabeth II 06 Feb 1952 β€” 08 Sep 2022
Charles III 08 Sep 2022 β€” present
William V
George VII
Succession to the British throne

George IV (born 12 August 1762) reigned from the death of his father
on 29 Jan 1820 until his own death on 26 June 1830.
Marriage was to Caroline of Brunswick (born 17 May 1768) from 08 April 1795
through to her death on 07 Aug 1821. They had one child, a daughter.
Their daughter, Princess Charlotte of Wales (born 07 Jan 1796) had married
Leopold I of Belgium (born 16 Dec 1790). She gave birth to their only child,
a stillborn son, on 05 Nov 1817, and died the following day on 06 Nov 1817.
Leopold died on 10 Dec 1865. George IV's (legitimate) line effectively ended.

William IV (born 21 Aug 1765) reigned from the death of his brother
on 26 June 1830 until his own death on 20 June 1837.
Marriage was to Adelaide of Saxe-Meiningen (born 13 Aug 1792) from
11 July 1818 through to his death on 20 June 1837. Adelaide herself
died on 02 Dec 1849. William had many Illegitimate children, but only
two legitimate, both with Adelaide. Their first was a daughter named
Princess Charlotte of Clarence, who was born and died on the same
day, being 27 March 1819. Their second child was another daughter,
Princess Elizabeth of Clarence, born 10 Dec 1820, then soon died
thereafter on 04 March 1821. William IV's (legitimate) line effectively ended.

Edward VIII (born 23 June 1894) reigned from the death of his father
on 20 Jan 1936 to his abdication on 11 Dec 1936 (died 28 May 1972).
Marriage was to Wallis Warfield (born 19 Jun 1896) from 03 Jun 1937
through 28 May 1972 (died 24 Apr 1986). They had no children. (1936)


Monarchy of the United Kingdom
Monarch Born Died Consort Born Died
Elizabeth 19 Aug 1596 13 Feb 1662 Frederick 26 Aug 1596 29 Nov 1632
Sophia 14 Oct 1630 08 Jun 1714 Ernest 20 Nov 1629 23 Jan 1698
George I 07 Jun 1660 22 Jun 1727 Sophia 15 Sep 1666 13 Nov 1726
George II 09 Nov 1683 25 Oct 1760 Caroline 01 Mar 1683 20 Nov 1737
Frederick 01 Feb 1707 31 Mar 1751 Augusta 30 Nov 1719 08 Feb 1772
George III 04 Jun 1738 29 Jan 1820 Charlotte 19 May 1744 17 Nov 1818
Edward 02 Nov 1767 23 Jan 1820 Victoria 17 Aug 1786 16 Mar 1861
Victoria 24 May 1819 22 Jan 1901 Albert 26 Aug 1819 14 Dec 1861
Edward VII 09 Nov 1841 06 May 1910 Alexandra 01 Dec 1844 20 Nov 1925
George V 03 Jun 1865 20 Jan 1936 Mary 26 May 1867 24 Mar 1953
George VI † 14 Dec 1895 06 Feb 1952 Elizabeth ‑ 04 Aug 1900 30 Mar 2002
Elizabeth II † 21 Apr 1926 08 Sep 2022 Philip ‑ 10 Jun 1921 09 Apr 2021
Charles III 14 Nov 1948 living Diana ‑ 01 Jul 1961 31 Aug 1997
William V 21 Jun 1982 living Catherine 09 Jan 1982 living
George VII 22 Jul 2013 living β€” β€” β€”
Β§ β†’ ‑ // Succession to the British throne // Β§ β†’ ‑

– George III, King of the United Kingdom George III, King of the United Kingdom –
George I β€”
George II John William Friso ∞ Marie Louise
Prince Frederick William IV, Prince of Orange
George III Princess Carolina of Orange-Nassau
Prince Edward Princess Henriette of Nassau-Weilburg
Victoria Duke Alexander of WΓΌrttemberg
Edward VII Francis, Duke of Teck
George V = Mary of Teck
George VI
Elizabeth II
Charles III
William V
George VII

Princess Royal
β€” Sophia, Princess Royal 01 Aug 1714 β€” 28 Jun 1757 β€”
Anne, Princess Royal 28 Jun 1757 β€” 12 Jan 1759
Augusta, Princess Royal 12 Jan 1759 β€” 23 Mar 1813
Charlotte, Princess Royal 23 Mar 1813 β€” 05 Oct 1828
Queen Victoria 05 Oct 1828 β€” 22 Jan 1901
Victoria, Princess Royal 22 Jan 1901 β€” 05 Aug 1901
Louise, Princess Royal 05 Aug 1901 β€” 04 Jan 1931
Mary, Princess Royal 04 Jan 1931 β€” 28 Mar 1965
Queen Elizabeth II 28 Mar 1965 β€” 08 Sep 2022
Anne, Princess Royal 08 Sep 2022 β€” present
Charlotte, Princess Royal          (future)

β€” β€” β€”
Adelaide Seymour
Louisa Bulteel
Cecilia Gordon-Lennox
Eliza Boothby
Franklin Work
Ellen Wood
Alexander Gill
Barbara Smith Marr
David Littlejohn
Jane Crombie
William Middleton
Mary Ward
Joseph Asquith
Ellen Ward
Francis Lupton, Esq.
Thomas Davis
Christiana Hobbes
Edward Glassborow
Charlotte Ablett
John Elliott
Elizabeth Powell
James Robison
Mary Newbigging
Edward Gee
Elizabeth Marshall
John Goldsmith
Esther Jones
James Dorsett
Charlotte Powell
Miles Chandler
Eliza Jenkins
Uriah White
Jane Bowler
John Harrison
Jane Liddle
Thomas Hill
Elizabeth Webster
Joseph Temple
Harriet Stone
Joseph Myers
Ann Swailes
Ruth Littlejohn
John Middleton
Mary Asquith
Francis Lupton
Harriet Davis
Frederick Glassborow
Emily Elliott
Gavin Robison
Sarah Gee
John Goldsmith
Jane Dorsett
Theophilus Chandler
Amelia White
John Harrison
Jane Hill
Thomas Temple
Elizabeth Myers
Richard Middleton
Olive Lupton
Frederick Glassborow
Constance Robison
Stephen Goldsmith
Edith Chandler
Thomas Harrison
Elizabeth Temple
Ronald Goldsmith
Dorothy Harrison

β€” George VII William V Charles III Prince Philip Prince Andrew George of Greece Christian IX of Denmark β€”
Louise of Hesse-Kassel
Olga Constantinovna Konstantin Nikolayevich
Alexandra Iosifovna
Princess Alice Prince Louis Prince Alexander
Julia von Hauke
Princess Victoria Grand Duke Louis
Princess Alice
Elizabeth II George VI George V Edward VII
Princess Alexandra
Mary of Teck Prince Francis
Princess Mary Adelaide
Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon Claude Bowes-Lyon Claude Bowes-Lyon
Frances Smith
Cecilia Cavendish-Bentinck Charles Cavendish-Bentinck
Louisa Burnaby
Diana Spencer John Spencer Albert Spencer Charles Spencer Frederick Spencer
Adelaide Seymour
Margaret Baring Edward Baring
Louisa Bulteel
Cynthia Hamilton James Hamilton James Hamilton
Mary Curzon-Howe
Rosalind Bingham George Bingham
Cecilia Gordon-Lennox
Frances Roche Maurice Roche James Roche Edmond Roche
Eliza Boothby
Frances Work Franklin Work
Ellen Wood
Ruth Gill William Gill Alexander Gill
Barbara Smith Marr
Ruth Littlejohn David Littlejohn
Jane Crombie
Catherine Middleton Michael Middleton Peter Middleton Richard Middleton John Middleton William Middleton
Mary Ward
Mary Asquith Joseph Asquith
Ellen Ward
Olive Lupton Francis Lupton Francis Lupton, Esq.
Frances Greenhow
Harriet Davis Thomas Davis
Christiana Hobbes
Valerie Glassborow Frederick Glassborow Frederick Glassborow Edward Glassborow
Charlotte Ablett
Emily Elliott John Elliott
Elizabeth Powell
Constance Robison Gavin Robison James Robison
Mary Newbigging
Sarah Gee Edward Gee
Elizabeth Marshall
Carole Goldsmith Ronald Goldsmith Stephen Goldsmith John Goldsmith John Goldsmith
Esther Jones
Jane Dorsett James Dorsett
Charlotte Powell
Edith Chandler Theophilus Chandler Miles Chandler
Eliza Jenkins
Amelia White Uriah White
Jane Bowler
Dorothy Harrison Thomas Harrison John Harrison John Harrison
Jane Liddle
Jane Hill Thomas Hill
Elizabeth Webster
Elizabeth Temple Thomas Temple Joseph Temple
Harriet Stone
Elizabeth Myers Joseph Myers
Ann Swailes


Edward VII

George V

George VI

Elizabeth II

Charles III


List of Royal Houses since 1714β€»

House of Wessexβ€»

List of English / British monarchsβ€»

British Royal Familyβ€»

Direct line only


Extended line


Matrilineal Queen linesβ€»

Queen Victoria's matrilineal lineβ€»

Direct female line


Direct female line of Queen Elizabeth IIβ€»

Direct female line


Lists of monarchs in the British Islesβ€»

List of Scottish monarchsβ€»

List of English / Scottish monarchsβ€»

British Isles
English Scottish
Ealhmund of Kent β€” (d. c. 800) Eochaid of DΓ‘l Riata β€” (d. c. 800)
Ecgberht, King of Wessex β€” (d. 839) AlpΓ­n β€” (d. 834)
Γ†thelwulf, King of Wessex β€” (d. 858) Kenneth I β€” (d. 858)
Alfred the Great β€” (d. 899) ConstantΓ­n I β€” (d. 877)
Edward the Elder β€” (d. 924) Donald II β€” (d. 900)
Edmund I β€” (d. 946) Malcolm I β€” (d. 954)
Edgar the Peaceful β€” (d. 975) Kenneth II β€” (d. 995)
Γ†thelred the Unready β€” (d. 1016) Malcolm II β€” (d. 1034)
Edmund Ironside β€” (d. 1016) BethΓ³c β€” (d. 1037)
Edward the Exile β€” (d. 1057) Duncan I β€” (d. 1040)
Saint Margaret of Scotland β€” (d. 1093) Malcolm III β€” (d. 1093)
Matilda of Scotland β€” (d. 1118) David I β€” (d. 1153)
Empress Matilda β€” (d. 1167) Henry of Scotland β€” (d. 1152)
Henry II β€” (d. 1189) David, Earl of Huntingdon β€” (d. 1219)
John β€” (d. 1216) Isobel of Huntingdon β€” (d. 1252)
Henry III β€” (d. 1272) Robert V de Brus β€” (d. 1295)
Edward I β€” (d. 1307) Robert VI de Brus β€” (d. 1304)
Edward II β€” (d. 1327) Robert (VII de Brus) I the Bruce β€” (d. 1329)
Edward III β€” (d. 1377) Marjorie Bruce β€” (d. 1316)
Edmund of Langley β€” (d. 1402) Robert II β€” (d. 1390)
Richard of Conisburgh β€” (d. 1415) Robert III β€” (d. 1406)
Richard of York β€” (d. 1460) James I β€” (d. 1437)
Edward IV β€” (d. 1483) James II β€” (d. 1460)
Elizabeth of York β€” (d. 1503) James III β€” (d. 1488)
Margaret Tudor β€” (d. 1541) James IV β€” (d. 1513)
James V of Scotland β€” (d. 1542) James V β€” (d. 1542)
Mary, Queen of Scots β€” (d. 1587) Mary Stuart β€” (d. 1587)
James (VI and) I β€” (d. 1625) James VI (and I) β€” (d. 1625)
Robert (VII de Brus) I the Bruce β€” (d. 1329) Robert (VII de Brus) I the Bruce β€” (d. 1329)

Church of Englandβ€»

Church of England
β€” β€”
Year Span β€” Supreme Governor β€” Canterbury β€” York
1714–1715 β€” George I β€” Thomas Tenison β€” William Dawes
1715–1724 β€” George I β€” William Wake β€” William Dawes
1724–1727 β€” George I β€” William Wake β€” Lancelot Blackburne
1727–1737 β€” George II β€” William Wake β€” Lancelot Blackburne
1737–1743 β€” George II β€” John Potter β€” Lancelot Blackburne
1743–1747 β€” George II β€” John Potter β€” Thomas Herring
1747–1757 β€” George II β€” Thomas Herring β€” Matthew Hutton
1757–1758 β€” George II β€” Matthew Hutton β€” John Gilbert
1758–1760 β€” George II β€” Thomas Secker β€” John Gilbert
1760–1761 β€” George III β€” Thomas Secker β€” John Gilbert
1761–1768 β€” George III β€” Thomas Secker β€” Robert Hay Drummond
1768–1776 β€” George III β€” Frederick Cornwallis β€” Robert Hay Drummond
1776–1783 β€” George III β€” Frederick Cornwallis β€” William Markham
1783–1805 β€” George III β€” John Moore β€” William Markham
1805–1807 β€” George III β€” Charles Manners-Sutton β€” William Markham
1807–1820 β€” George III β€” Charles Manners-Sutton β€” Edward Venables-Vernon-Harcourt
1820–1828 β€” George IV β€” Charles Manners-Sutton β€” Edward Venables-Vernon-Harcourt
1828–1830 β€” George IV β€” William Howley β€” Edward Venables-Vernon-Harcourt
1830–1837 β€” William IV β€” William Howley β€” Edward Venables-Vernon-Harcourt
1837–1847 β€” Victoria β€” William Howley β€” Edward Venables-Vernon-Harcourt
1847–1848 β€” Victoria β€” William Howley β€” Thomas Musgrave
1848–1860 β€” Victoria β€” John Bird Sumner β€” Thomas Musgrave
1860–1862 β€” Victoria β€” John Bird Sumner β€” Charles Longley
1862–1868 β€” Victoria β€” Charles Longley β€” William Thomson
1868–1882 β€” Victoria β€” Archibald Campbell Tait β€” William Thomson
1882–1890 β€” Victoria β€” Edward White Benson β€” William Thomson
1890–1891 β€” Victoria β€” Edward White Benson β€” William Connor Magee
1891–1896 β€” Victoria β€” Edward White Benson β€” William Maclagan
1896–1901 β€” Victoria β€” Frederick Temple β€” William Maclagan
1901–1902 β€” Edward VII β€” Frederick Temple β€” William Maclagan
1902–1908 β€” Edward VII β€” Randall Davidson β€” William Maclagan
1908–1910 β€” Edward VII β€” Randall Davidson β€” Cosmo Gordon Lang
1910–1928 β€” George V β€” Randall Davidson β€” Cosmo Gordon Lang
1928–1936 β€” George V β€” Cosmo Gordon Lang β€” William Temple
1936–1936 β€” Edward VIII β€” Cosmo Gordon Lang β€” William Temple
1936–1942 β€” George VI β€” Cosmo Gordon Lang β€” William Temple
1942–1944 β€” George VI β€” William Temple β€” Cyril Garbett
1944–1952 β€” George VI β€” Geoffrey Fisher β€” Cyril Garbett
1952–1955 β€” Elizabeth II β€” Geoffrey Fisher β€” Cyril Garbett
1955–1961 β€” Elizabeth II β€” Geoffrey Fisher β€” Michael Ramsey
1961–1974 β€” Elizabeth II β€” Michael Ramsey β€” Donald Coggan
1974–1980 β€” Elizabeth II β€” Donald Coggan β€” Stuart Blanch
1980–1983 β€” Elizabeth II β€” Robert Runcie β€” Stuart Blanch
1983–1991 β€” Elizabeth II β€” Robert Runcie β€” John Habgood
1991–1995 β€” Elizabeth II β€” George Carey β€” John Habgood
1995–2002 β€” Elizabeth II β€” George Carey β€” David Hope
2002–2005 β€” Elizabeth II β€” Rowan Williams β€” David Hope
2005–2012 β€” Elizabeth II β€” Rowan Williams β€” John Sentamu
2012–2020 β€” Elizabeth II β€” Justin Welby β€” John Sentamu
2020–2022 β€” Elizabeth II β€” Justin Welby β€” Stephen Cottrell
2022–20–– β€” Charles III β€” Justin Welby β€” Stephen Cottrell

First Lord of the Treasury / British prime ministerβ€»

First Lord of the Treasury British prime minister Start End Party
The Duke of Shrewsbury β€” 1 August 1714 13 October 1714 Whig
The Earl of Halifax β€” 13 October 1714 19 May 1715 Whig
The Earl of Carlisle β€” 23 May 1715 10 October 1715 Whig
Robert Walpole β€” 10 October 1715 12 April 1717 Whig
The Earl Stanhope β€” 12 April 1717 21 March 1718 Whig
The Earl of Sunderland β€” 21 March 1718 4 April 1721 Whig
Robert Walpole 4 April 1721 11 February 1742 Whig
The Earl of Wilmington 16 February 1742 2 July 1743 Whig
Henry Pelham 27 August 1743 10 February 1746 Whig
The Earl of Bath Henry Pelham 10 February 1746 12 February 1746 Whig
Henry Pelham 12 February 1746 6 March 1754 Whig
The Duke of Newcastle 16 March 1754 16 November 1756 Whig
The Duke of Devonshire 16 November 1756 8 June 1757 Whig
The Earl Waldegrave The Duke of Devonshire 8 June 1757 12 June 1757 Whig
The Duke of Devonshire 12 June 1757 29 June 1757 Whig
The Duke of Newcastle 2 July 1757 26 May 1762 Whig
The Earl of Bute 26 May 1762 16 April 1763 Tory
George Grenville 16 April 1763 13 July 1765 Whig
The Marquess of Rockingham 13 July 1765 30 July 1766 Whig
The Duke of Grafton The Earl of Chatham 30 July 1766 14 October 1768 Whig
The Duke of Grafton 14 October 1768 28 January 1770 Whig
Lord North 28 January 1770 22 March 1782 Tory
The Marquess of Rockingham 27 March 1782 1 July 1782 Whig
The Earl of Shelburne 4 July 1782 2 April 1783 Whig
The Duke of Portland 2 April 1783 19 December 1783 Whig
William Pitt the Younger 19 December 1783 14 March 1801 Tory
Henry Addington 17 March 1801 10 May 1804 Tory
William Pitt the Younger 10 May 1804 23 January 1806 Tory
The Lord Grenville 11 February 1806 31 March 1807 Whig
The Duke of Portland 31 March 1807 4 October 1809 Whig
Spencer Perceval 4 October 1809 11 May 1812 Tory
The Earl of Liverpool 9 June 1812 10 April 1827 Tory
George Canning 10 April 1827 8 August 1827 Tory
The Viscount Goderich 31 August 1827 22 January 1828 Tory
The Duke of Wellington 22 January 1828 22 November 1830 Tory
The Earl Grey 22 November 1830 16 July 1834 Whig
The Viscount Melbourne 16 July 1834 14 November 1834 Whig
The Duke of Wellington 14 November 1834 10 December 1834 Tory
Robert Peel 10 December 1834 8 April 1835 Tory
The Viscount Melbourne 18 April 1835 30 August 1841 Whig
Robert Peel 30 August 1841 29 June 1846 Conservative
Lord John Russell 30 June 1846 23 February 1852 Whig
The Earl of Derby 23 February 1852 19 December 1852 Conservative
The Earl of Aberdeen 19 December 1852 6 February 1855 Peelite
The Viscount Palmerston 6 February 1855 20 February 1858 Liberal
The Earl of Derby 20 February 1858 12 June 1859 Conservative
The Viscount Palmerston 12 June 1859 18 October 1865 Liberal
The Earl Russell 29 October 1865 28 June 1866 Liberal
The Earl of Derby 28 June 1866 27 February 1868 Conservative
Benjamin Disraeli 27 February 1868 3 December 1868 Conservative
William Ewart Gladstone 3 December 1868 20 February 1874 Liberal
Benjamin Disraeli 20 February 1874 23 April 1880 Conservative
William Ewart Gladstone 23 April 1880 23 June 1885 Liberal
The Earl of Iddesleigh The Marquess of Salisbury 29 June 1885 1 February 1886 Conservative
William Ewart Gladstone 1 February 1886 25 July 1886 Liberal
The Marquess of Salisbury 3 August 1886 14 January 1887 Conservative
William Henry Smith The Marquess of Salisbury 14 January 1887 6 October 1891 Conservative
Arthur Balfour The Marquess of Salisbury 6 October 1891 15 August 1892 Conservative
William Ewart Gladstone 15 August 1892 5 March 1894 Liberal
The Earl of Rosebery 5 March 1894 25 June 1895 Liberal
Arthur Balfour The Marquess of Salisbury 25 June 1895 11 July 1902 Conservative
Arthur Balfour 11 July 1902 5 December 1905 Conservative
Henry Campbell-Bannerman 5 December 1905 3 April 1908 Liberal
H. H. Asquith 8 April 1908 5 December 1916 Liberal
David Lloyd George 6 December 1916 19 October 1922 Liberal
Bonar Law 23 October 1922 20 May 1923 Conservative
Stanley Baldwin 22 May 1923 22 January 1924 Conservative
Ramsay MacDonald 22 January 1924 4 November 1924 Labour
Stanley Baldwin 4 November 1924 4 June 1929 Conservative
Ramsay MacDonald 5 June 1929 7 June 1935 National Labour
Stanley Baldwin 7 June 1935 28 May 1937 Conservative
Neville Chamberlain 28 May 1937 10 May 1940 Conservative
Winston Churchill 10 May 1940 26 July 1945 Conservative
Clement Attlee 26 July 1945 26 October 1951 Labour
Winston Churchill 26 October 1951 5 April 1955 Conservative
Anthony Eden 6 April 1955 9 January 1957 Conservative
Harold Macmillan 10 January 1957 18 October 1963 Conservative
Alec Douglas-Home 19 October 1963 16 October 1964 Conservative
Harold Wilson 16 October 1964 19 June 1970 Labour
Edward Heath 19 June 1970 4 March 1974 Conservative
Harold Wilson 4 March 1974 5 April 1976 Labour
James Callaghan 5 April 1976 4 May 1979 Labour
Margaret Thatcher 4 May 1979 28 November 1990 Conservative
John Major 28 November 1990 2 May 1997 Conservative
Tony Blair 2 May 1997 27 June 2007 Labour
Gordon Brown 27 June 2007 11 May 2010 Labour
David Cameron 11 May 2010 13 July 2016 Conservative
Theresa May 13 July 2016 24 July 2019 Conservative
Boris Johnson 24 July 2019 6 September 2022 Conservative
Liz Truss 6 September 2022 25 October 2022 Conservative
Rishi Sunak 25 October 2022 5 July 2024 Conservative
Keir Starmer 5 July 2024 Incumbent Labour

Note that British prime minister The Earl of Chatham never served in the role of
First Lord of the Treasury (with the dates being 30 July 1766 βˆ’ 14 October 1768).

All Hanoverian era dates correspond to that of the First Lord of the Treasury,
all subsequent dates since then correspond to that of the British prime minister.


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