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Ionizing radiation related quantities
Quantity Unit Symbol Derivation Year SI equivalent
Activity (A) becquerel Bq s 1974 SI unit
curie Ci 3.7 × 10 s 1953 3.7×10 Bq
rutherford Rd 10 s 1946 1,000,000 Bq
Exposure (X) coulomb per kilogram C/kg C⋅kg of air 1974 SI unit
röntgen R esu / 0.001293 g of air 1928 2.58 × 10 C/kg
Absorbed dose (D) gray Gy J⋅kg 1974 SI unit
erg per gram erg/g erg⋅g 1950 1.0 × 10 Gy
rad rad 100 erg⋅g 1953 0.010 Gy
Equivalent dose (H) sievert Sv J⋅kg × WR 1977 SI unit
röntgen equivalent man rem 100 erg⋅g × WR 1971 0.010 Sv
Effective dose (E) sievert Sv J⋅kg × WR × WT 1977 SI unit
röntgen equivalent man rem 100 erg⋅g × WR × WT 1971 0.010 Sv

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