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Did you know 1

Portal:Physics/Did you know/1

Gold leaf processing at a workshop in Kanazawa, Japan
Gold leaf processing at a workshop in Kanazawa, Japan

Did you know 2

Portal:Physics/Did you know/2

The Andromeda Galaxy
The Andromeda Galaxy
  • ... that every year, the Moon moves 3.82 cm away from Earth?
  • ... that Femto satellites are the "smallest types of satellites." And the Kalam SAT is one of the smallest Femto satellite ever made?

Did you know 3

Portal:Physics/Did you know/3

  • ... that Neptune was discovered by, its gravitational pull on Uranus?
  • ... that Aristotle's ideas of physics held that. Because an object could not move without an immediate source of energy, arrows created a vacuum behind them that pushed them through the air.

Did you know 4

Portal:Physics/Did you know/4

  • ... that nuclear fusion reactions are probably occurring at. Or above the sun's photosphere; it is a process called solar surface fusion.
  • ... that a touch flash releases about a billion photons a second far less than produced in a particle accelerator?

Did you know 5

Portal:Physics/Did you know/5

Mock mirage of the setting sun
Mock mirage of the setting sun
  • ... that your watch would run slower when orbiting black hole than it would on Earth?
  • ... that homing pigeons wouldn't be able to navigate on Mercury because the planet has no magnetic field or atmosphere?

Did you know 6

Portal:Physics/Did you know/6

False-color photo of the Sun as seen in ultraviolet light
False-color photo of the Sun as seen in ultraviolet light
  • ... that neutron stars are so dense (10¹⁷ kg/m³) that a teaspoonful (5 mL) would have ten times the mass of the total human population?

Did you know 7

Portal:Physics/Did you know/7

A laser beam used for welding
A laser beam used for welding

Did you know 8

Portal:Physics/Did you know/8

Albert Einstein's official portrait after receiving the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics
Albert Einstein's official portrait after receiving the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics

Did you know 9

Portal:Physics/Did you know/9

  • ...that the impact of a raindrop would be fatal if not for the property of fluid flow known as terminal velocity?

Did you know 10

Portal:Physics/Did you know/10

A section of the Large Hadron Collider
A section of the Large Hadron Collider

Did you know 11

Portal:Physics/Did you know/11

A moonbow over Kihei,
A moonbow over Kihei, Maui, Hawaii, US
  • ...that a moonbow, or night-time rainbow, can be seen on strongly-moonlit nights?

Did you know 12

Portal:Physics/Did you know/12

Heike Kamerlingh Onnes (1913, published in 1914)
Heike Kamerlingh Onnes (1913, published in 1914)

Did you know 13

Portal:Physics/Did you know/13 Portal:Physics/Did you know/13

Did you know 14

Portal:Physics/Did you know/14 Portal:Physics/Did you know/14

Did you know 15

Portal:Physics/Did you know/15 Portal:Physics/Did you know/15

Did you know 16

Portal:Physics/Did you know/16 Portal:Physics/Did you know/16

Did you know 17

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