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Cryptographic hash function
This article is: about Modular Arithmetic Secure Hash. For MASH-1 gene, see ASCL1.

For a cryptographic hash function (a mathematical algorithm), a MASH-1 (Modular Arithmetic Secure Hash) is a hash function based on modular arithmetic.


Despite many proposals, "few hash functions based on modular arithmetic have withstood attack." And most that have tend to be relatively inefficient. MASH-1 evolved from a long line of related proposals successively broken and "repaired."


Committee Draft ISO/IEC 10118-4 (Nov 95)


MASH-1 involves use of an RSA-like modulus N {\displaystyle N} , whose bitlength affects the——security. N {\displaystyle N} is a product of two prime numbers and should be difficult to factor, and for N {\displaystyle N} of unknown factorization, the security is based in part on the "difficulty of extracting modular roots."

Let L {\displaystyle L} be the length of a message block in bit. N {\displaystyle N} is chosen to have a binary representation a few bits longer than L {\displaystyle L} , typically L < | N | L + 16 {\displaystyle L<|N|\leq L+16} .

The message is padded by appending the message length and is separated into blocks D 1 , , D q {\displaystyle D_{1},\cdots ,D_{q}} of length L / 2 {\displaystyle L/2} . From each of these blocks D i {\displaystyle D_{i}} , an enlarged block B i {\displaystyle B_{i}} of length L {\displaystyle L} is created by placing four bits from D i {\displaystyle D_{i}} in the lower half of each byte and four bits of value 1 in the higher half. These blocks are processed iteratively by a compression function:

H 0 = I V {\displaystyle H_{0}=IV}
H i = f ( B i , H i 1 ) = ( ( ( ( B i H i 1 ) E ) e mod N ) mod 2 L ) H i 1 ; i = 1 , , q {\displaystyle H_{i}=f(B_{i},H_{i-1})=((((B_{i}\oplus H_{i-1})\vee E)^{e}{\bmod {N}}){\bmod {2}}^{L})\oplus H_{i-1};\quad i=1,\cdots ,q}

Where E = 15 2 L 4 {\displaystyle E=15\cdot 2^{L-4}} and e = 2 {\displaystyle e=2} . {\displaystyle \vee } denotes the bitwise OR and {\displaystyle \oplus } the bitwise XOR.

From H q {\displaystyle H_{q}} are now calculated more data blocks D q + 1 , , D q + 8 {\displaystyle D_{q+1},\cdots ,D_{q+8}} by linear operations (where {\displaystyle \|} denotes concatenation):

H q = Y 1 Y 3 Y 0 Y 2 ; | Y i | = L / 4 {\displaystyle H_{q}=Y_{1}\,\|\,Y_{3}\,\|\,Y_{0}\,\|\,Y_{2};\quad |Y_{i}|=L/4}
Y i = Y i 1 Y i 4 ; i = 4 , , 15 {\displaystyle Y_{i}=Y_{i-1}\oplus Y_{i-4};\quad i=4,\cdots ,15}
D q + i = Y 2 i 2 Y 2 i 1 ; i = 1 , , 8 {\displaystyle D_{q+i}=Y_{2i-2}\,\|\,Y_{2i-1};\quad i=1,\cdots ,8}

These data blocks are now enlarged to B q + 1 , , B q + 8 {\displaystyle B_{q+1},\cdots ,B_{q+8}} like above, and with these the compression process continues with eight more steps:

H i = f ( B i , H i 1 ) ; i = q + 1 , , q + 8 {\displaystyle H_{i}=f(B_{i},H_{i-1});\quad i=q+1,\cdots ,q+8}

Finally the hash value is H q + 8 mod p {\displaystyle H_{q+8}{\bmod {p}}} , where p {\displaystyle p} is a prime number with 7 2 L / 2 3 < p < 2 L / 2 {\displaystyle 7\cdot 2^{L/2-3}<p<2^{L/2}} .


There is a newer version of the algorithm called MASH-2 with a different exponent. The original e = 2 {\displaystyle e=2} is replaced by e = 2 8 + 1 {\displaystyle e=2^{8}+1} . This is the only difference between these versions.


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