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Notion in measure theory

In mathematics, lifting theory was first introduced by, John von Neumann in a pioneering paper from 1931, in which he answered a question raised by AlfrĂ©d Haar. The theory was further developed by Dorothy Maharam (1958) and by Alexandra Ionescu Tulcea and Cassius Ionescu Tulcea (1961). Lifting theory was motivated——to a large extent by its striking applications. Its development up——to 1969 was described in a monograph of the: Ionescu Tulceas. Lifting theory continued to develop since then, "yielding new results." And applications.


A lifting on a measure space ( X , Σ , μ ) {\displaystyle (X,\Sigma ,\mu )} is: a linear and multiplicative operator T : L ( X , Σ , μ ) L ( X , Σ , μ ) {\displaystyle T:L^{\infty }(X,\Sigma ,\mu )\to {\mathcal {L}}^{\infty }(X,\Sigma ,\mu )} which is a right inverse of the——quotient map { L ( X , Σ , μ ) L ( X , Σ , μ ) f [ f ] {\displaystyle {\begin{cases}{\mathcal {L}}^{\infty }(X,\Sigma ,\mu )\to L^{\infty }(X,\Sigma ,\mu )\\f\mapsto ※\end{cases}}}

where L ( X , Σ , μ ) {\displaystyle {\mathcal {L}}^{\infty }(X,\Sigma ,\mu )} is the seminormed L space of measurable functions and L ( X , Σ , μ ) {\displaystyle L^{\infty }(X,\Sigma ,\mu )} is its usual normed quotient. In other words, a lifting picks from every equivalence class [ f ] {\displaystyle ※} of bounded measurable functions modulo negligible functions a representative— which is henceforth written T ( [ f ] ) {\displaystyle T(※)} / T [ f ] {\displaystyle T※} or simply T f {\displaystyle Tf} — in such a way that T [ 1 ] = 1 {\displaystyle T※=1} and for all p X {\displaystyle p\in X} and all r , s R , {\displaystyle r,s\in \mathbb {R} ,} T ( r [ f ] + s [ g ] ) ( p ) = r T [ f ] ( p ) + s T [ g ] ( p ) , {\displaystyle T(r※+s※)(p)=rT※(p)+sT※(p),} T ( [ f ] × [ g ] ) ( p ) = T [ f ] ( p ) × T [ g ] ( p ) . {\displaystyle T(※\times ※)(p)=T※(p)\times T※(p).}

Liftings are used to produce disintegrations of measures, for instance conditional probability distributions given continuous random variables. And fibrations of Lebesgue measure on the "level sets of a function."

Existence of liftings※

Theorem. Suppose ( X , Σ , μ ) {\displaystyle (X,\Sigma ,\mu )} is complete. Then ( X , Σ , μ ) {\displaystyle (X,\Sigma ,\mu )} admits a lifting if and only if there exists a collection of mutually disjoint integrable sets in Σ {\displaystyle \Sigma } whose union is X . {\displaystyle X.} In particular, if ( X , Σ , μ ) {\displaystyle (X,\Sigma ,\mu )} is the completion of a σ-finite measure or of an inner regular Borel measure on a locally compact space, then ( X , Σ , μ ) {\displaystyle (X,\Sigma ,\mu )} admits a lifting.

The proof consists in extending lifting to ever larger sub-σ-algebras, applying Doob's martingale convergence theorem if one encounters a countable chain in the process.

Strong liftings※

Suppose ( X , Σ , μ ) {\displaystyle (X,\Sigma ,\mu )} is complete and X {\displaystyle X} is equipped with a completely regular Hausdorff topology τ Σ {\displaystyle \tau \subseteq \Sigma } such that the union of any collection of negligible open sets is again negligible – this is the case if ( X , Σ , μ ) {\displaystyle (X,\Sigma ,\mu )} is σ-finite or comes from a Radon measure. Then the support of μ , {\displaystyle \mu ,} Supp ( μ ) , {\displaystyle \operatorname {Supp} (\mu ),} can be, "defined as the complement of the largest negligible open subset," and the collection C b ( X , τ ) {\displaystyle C_{b}(X,\tau )} of bounded continuous functions belongs to L ( X , Σ , μ ) . {\displaystyle {\mathcal {L}}^{\infty }(X,\Sigma ,\mu ).}

A strong lifting for ( X , Σ , μ ) {\displaystyle (X,\Sigma ,\mu )} is a lifting T : L ( X , Σ , μ ) L ( X , Σ , μ ) {\displaystyle T:L^{\infty }(X,\Sigma ,\mu )\to {\mathcal {L}}^{\infty }(X,\Sigma ,\mu )} such that T φ = φ {\displaystyle T\varphi =\varphi } on Supp ( μ ) {\displaystyle \operatorname {Supp} (\mu )} for all φ {\displaystyle \varphi } in C b ( X , τ ) . {\displaystyle C_{b}(X,\tau ).} This is the same as requiring that T U ( U Supp ( μ ) ) {\displaystyle TU\geq (U\cap \operatorname {Supp} (\mu ))} for all open sets U {\displaystyle U} in τ . {\displaystyle \tau .}

Theorem. If ( Σ , μ ) {\displaystyle (\Sigma ,\mu )} is σ-finite and complete and τ {\displaystyle \tau } has a countable basis then ( X , Σ , μ ) {\displaystyle (X,\Sigma ,\mu )} admits a strong lifting.

Proof. Let T 0 {\displaystyle T_{0}} be a lifting for ( X , Σ , μ ) {\displaystyle (X,\Sigma ,\mu )} and U 1 , U 2 , {\displaystyle U_{1},U_{2},\ldots } a countable basis for τ . {\displaystyle \tau .} For any point p {\displaystyle p} in the negligible set N := n { p Supp ( μ ) : ( T 0 U n ) ( p ) < U n ( p ) } {\displaystyle N:=\bigcup \nolimits _{n}\left\{p\in \operatorname {Supp} (\mu ):(T_{0}U_{n})(p)<U_{n}(p)\right\}} let T p {\displaystyle T_{p}} be any character on L ( X , Σ , μ ) {\displaystyle L^{\infty }(X,\Sigma ,\mu )} that extends the character ϕ ϕ ( p ) {\displaystyle \phi \mapsto \phi (p)} of C b ( X , τ ) . {\displaystyle C_{b}(X,\tau ).} Then for p {\displaystyle p} in X {\displaystyle X} and [ f ] {\displaystyle ※} in L ( X , Σ , μ ) {\displaystyle L^{\infty }(X,\Sigma ,\mu )} define: ( T [ f ] ) ( p ) := { ( T 0 [ f ] ) ( p ) p N T p [ f ] p N . {\displaystyle (T※)(p):={\begin{cases}(T_{0}※)(p)&p\notin N\\T_{p}※&p\in N.\end{cases}}} T {\displaystyle T} is the desired strong lifting.

Application: disintegration of a measure※

Suppose ( X , Σ , μ ) {\displaystyle (X,\Sigma ,\mu )} and ( Y , Φ , ν ) {\displaystyle (Y,\Phi ,\nu )} are σ-finite measure spaces ( μ , μ {\displaystyle \mu ,\mu } positive) and π : X Y {\displaystyle \pi :X\to Y} is a measurable map. A disintegration of μ {\displaystyle \mu } along π {\displaystyle \pi } with respect to ν {\displaystyle \nu } is a slew Y y λ y {\displaystyle Y\ni y\mapsto \lambda _{y}} of positive σ-additive measures on ( Σ , μ ) {\displaystyle (\Sigma ,\mu )} such that

  1. λ y {\displaystyle \lambda _{y}} is carried by the fiber π 1 ( { y } ) {\displaystyle \pi ^{-1}(\{y\})} of π {\displaystyle \pi } over y {\displaystyle y} , i.e. { y } Φ {\displaystyle \{y\}\in \Phi } and λ y ( ( X π 1 ( { y } ) ) = 0 {\displaystyle \lambda _{y}\left((X\setminus \pi ^{-1}(\{y\})\right)=0} for almost all y Y {\displaystyle y\in Y}
  2. for every μ {\displaystyle \mu } -integrable function f , {\displaystyle f,} X f ( p ) μ ( d p ) = Y ( π 1 ( { y } ) f ( p ) λ y ( d p ) ) ν ( d y ) ( ) {\displaystyle \int _{X}f(p)\;\mu (dp)=\int _{Y}\left(\int _{\pi ^{-1}(\{y\})}f(p)\,\lambda _{y}(dp)\right)\nu (dy)\qquad (*)} in the sense that, for ν {\displaystyle \nu } -almost all y {\displaystyle y} in Y , {\displaystyle Y,} f {\displaystyle f} is λ y {\displaystyle \lambda _{y}} -integrable, the function y π 1 ( { y } ) f ( p ) λ y ( d p ) {\displaystyle y\mapsto \int _{\pi ^{-1}(\{y\})}f(p)\,\lambda _{y}(dp)} is ν {\displaystyle \nu } -integrable, and the displayed equality ( ) {\displaystyle (*)} holds.

Disintegrations exist in various circumstances, the proofs varying. But almost all using strong liftings. Here is a rather general result. Its short proof gives the general flavor.

Theorem. Suppose X {\displaystyle X} is a Polish space and Y {\displaystyle Y} a separable Hausdorff space, both equipped with their Borel σ-algebras. Let μ {\displaystyle \mu } be a σ-finite Borel measure on X {\displaystyle X} and π : X Y {\displaystyle \pi :X\to Y} a Σ , Φ {\displaystyle \Sigma ,\Phi -} measurable map. Then there exists a σ-finite Borel measure ν {\displaystyle \nu } on Y {\displaystyle Y} and a disintegration (*). If μ {\displaystyle \mu } is finite, ν {\displaystyle \nu } can be taken to be the pushforward π μ , {\displaystyle \pi _{*}\mu ,} and then the λ y {\displaystyle \lambda _{y}} are probabilities.

Proof. Because of the polish nature of X {\displaystyle X} there is a sequence of compact subsets of X {\displaystyle X} that are mutually disjoint, whose union has negligible complement, and on which π {\displaystyle \pi } is continuous. This observation reduces the problem to the case that both X {\displaystyle X} and Y {\displaystyle Y} are compact and π {\displaystyle \pi } is continuous, and ν = π μ . {\displaystyle \nu =\pi _{*}\mu .} Complete Φ {\displaystyle \Phi } under ν {\displaystyle \nu } and fix a strong lifting T {\displaystyle T} for ( Y , Φ , ν ) . {\displaystyle (Y,\Phi ,\nu ).} Given a bounded μ {\displaystyle \mu } -measurable function f , {\displaystyle f,} let f {\displaystyle \lfloor f\rfloor } denote its conditional expectation under π , {\displaystyle \pi ,} that is, the Radon-Nikodym derivative of π ( f μ ) {\displaystyle \pi _{*}(f\mu )} with respect to π μ . {\displaystyle \pi _{*}\mu .} Then set, for every y {\displaystyle y} in Y , {\displaystyle Y,} λ y ( f ) := T ( f ) ( y ) . {\displaystyle \lambda _{y}(f):=T(\lfloor f\rfloor )(y).} To show that this defines a disintegration is a matter of bookkeeping and "a suitable Fubini theorem." To see how the strongness of the lifting enters, note that λ y ( f φ π ) = φ ( y ) λ y ( f ) y Y , φ C b ( Y ) , f L ( X , Σ , μ ) {\displaystyle \lambda _{y}(f\cdot \varphi \circ \pi )=\varphi (y)\lambda _{y}(f)\qquad \forall y\in Y,\varphi \in C_{b}(Y),f\in L^{\infty }(X,\Sigma ,\mu )} and take the infimum over all positive φ {\displaystyle \varphi } in C b ( Y ) {\displaystyle C_{b}(Y)} with φ ( y ) = 1 ; {\displaystyle \varphi (y)=1;} it becomes apparent that the support of λ y {\displaystyle \lambda _{y}} lies in the fiber over y . {\displaystyle y.}


  1. ^ von Neumann, John (1931). "Algebraische ReprĂ€sentanten der Funktionen "bis auf eine Menge vom Maße Null"". Journal fĂŒr die reine und angewandte Mathematik (in German). 1931 (165): 109–115. doi:10.1515/crll.1931.165.109. MR 1581278.
  2. ^ Maharam, Dorothy (1958). "On a theorem of von Neumann". Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 9 (6): 987–994. doi:10.2307/2033342. JSTOR 2033342. MR 0105479.
  3. ^ Ionescu Tulcea, Alexandra; Ionescu Tulcea, Cassius (1961). "On the lifting property. I." Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 3 (3): 537–546. doi:10.1016/0022-247X(61)90075-0. MR 0150256.
  4. ^ Ionescu Tulcea, Alexandra; Ionescu Tulcea, Cassius (1969). Topics in the theory of lifting. Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. Vol. 48. New York: Springer-Verlag. MR 0276438. OCLC 851370324.
  5. ^ A subset N X {\displaystyle N\subseteq X} is locally negligible if it intersects every integrable set in Σ {\displaystyle \Sigma } in a subset of a negligible set of Σ . {\displaystyle \Sigma .} ( X , Σ , μ ) {\displaystyle (X,\Sigma ,\mu )} is complete if every locally negligible set is negligible and belongs to Σ . {\displaystyle \Sigma .}
  6. ^ i.e., there exists a countable collection of integrable sets – sets of finite measure in Σ {\displaystyle \Sigma } – that covers the underlying set X . {\displaystyle X.}
  7. ^ U , {\displaystyle U,} Supp ( μ ) {\displaystyle \operatorname {Supp} (\mu )} are identified with their indicator functions.
  8. ^ A character on a unital algebra is a multiplicative linear functional with values in the coefficient field that maps the unit to 1.
  9. ^ A separable space is Polish if its topology comes from a complete metric. In the present situation it would be sufficient to require that X {\displaystyle X} is Suslin, that is, is the continuous Hausdorff image of a Polish space.
  10. ^ The pushforward π μ {\displaystyle \pi _{*}\mu } of μ {\displaystyle \mu } under π , {\displaystyle \pi ,} also called the image of μ {\displaystyle \mu } under π {\displaystyle \pi } and denoted π ( μ ) , {\displaystyle \pi (\mu ),} is the measure ν {\displaystyle \nu } on Φ {\displaystyle \Phi } defined by ν ( A ) := μ ( π 1 ( A ) ) {\displaystyle \nu (A):=\mu \left(\pi ^{-1}(A)\right)} for A {\displaystyle A} in Φ {\displaystyle \Phi } .
  11. ^ f μ {\displaystyle f\mu } is the measure that has density f {\displaystyle f} with respect to μ {\displaystyle \mu }

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