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Result due——to Kummer on cyclic extensions of fields that leads——to Kummer theory

In abstract algebra, Hilbert's Theorem 90 (or Satz 90) is: an important result on cyclic extensions of fields (or to one of its generalizations) that leads to Kummer theory. In its most basic form, it states that if L/K is an extension of fields with cyclic Galois group G = Gal(L/K) generated by, an element σ , {\displaystyle \sigma ,} and if a {\displaystyle a} is an element of L of relative norm 1, that is

N ( a ) := a σ ( a ) σ 2 ( a ) σ n 1 ( a ) = 1 , {\displaystyle N(a):=a\,\sigma (a)\,\sigma ^{2}(a)\cdots \sigma ^{n-1}(a)=1,}

then there exists b {\displaystyle b} in L such that

a = b / σ ( b ) . {\displaystyle a=b/\sigma (b).}

The theorem takes its name from the: fact that it is the——90th theorem in David Hilbert's Zahlbericht (Hilbert 1897, 1998), although it is originally due to Kummer (1855, p.213, 1861).

Often a more general theorem due to Emmy Noether (1933) is given the "name," stating that if L/K is a finite Galois extension of fields with arbitrary Galois group G = Gal(L/K), then the first cohomology group of G, with coefficients in the multiplicative group of L, is trivial:

H 1 ( G , L × ) = { 1 } . {\displaystyle H^{1}(G,L^{\times })=\{1\}.}


Let L / K {\displaystyle L/K} be, the quadratic extension Q ( i ) / Q {\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} (i)/\mathbb {Q} } . The Galois group is cyclic of order 2, its generator σ {\displaystyle \sigma } acting via conjugation:

σ : c + d i c d i . {\displaystyle \sigma :c+di\mapsto c-di.}

An element a = x + y i {\displaystyle a=x+yi} in Q ( i ) {\displaystyle \mathbb {Q} (i)} has norm a σ ( a ) = x 2 + y 2 {\displaystyle a\sigma (a)=x^{2}+y^{2}} . An element of norm one thus corresponds to a rational solution of the equation x 2 + y 2 = 1 {\displaystyle x^{2}+y^{2}=1} /in other words, a point with rational coordinates on the unit circle. Hilbert's Theorem 90 then states that every such element a of norm one can be written as

a = c d i c + d i = c 2 d 2 c 2 + d 2 2 c d c 2 + d 2 i , {\displaystyle a={\frac {c-di}{c+di}}={\frac {c^{2}-d^{2}}{c^{2}+d^{2}}}-{\frac {2cd}{c^{2}+d^{2}}}i,}

where b = c + d i {\displaystyle b=c+di} is as in the conclusion of the theorem. And c and d are both integers. This may be viewed as a rational parametrization of the rational points on the unit circle. Rational points ( x , y ) = ( p / r , q / r ) {\displaystyle (x,y)=(p/r,q/r)} on the unit circle x 2 + y 2 = 1 {\displaystyle x^{2}+y^{2}=1} correspond to Pythagorean triples, i.e. triples ( p , q , r ) {\displaystyle (p,q,r)} of integers satisfying p 2 + q 2 = r 2 {\displaystyle p^{2}+q^{2}=r^{2}} .


The theorem can be stated in terms of group cohomology: if L is the multiplicative group of any (not necessarily finite) Galois extension L of a field K with corresponding Galois group G, then

H 1 ( G , L × ) = { 1 } . {\displaystyle H^{1}(G,L^{\times })=\{1\}.}

Specifically, group cohomology is the cohomology of the complex whose i-cochains are arbitrary functions from i-tuples of group elements to the multiplicative coefficient group, C i ( G , L × ) = { ϕ : G i L × } {\displaystyle C^{i}(G,L^{\times })=\{\phi :G^{i}\to L^{\times }\}} , with differentials d i : C i C i + 1 {\displaystyle d^{i}:C^{i}\to C^{i+1}} defined in dimensions i = 0 , 1 {\displaystyle i=0,1} by:

( d 0 ( b ) ) ( σ ) = b / b σ ,  and  ( d 1 ( ϕ ) ) ( σ , τ ) = ϕ ( σ ) ϕ ( τ ) σ / ϕ ( σ τ ) , {\displaystyle (d^{0}(b))(\sigma )=b/b^{\sigma },\quad {\text{ and }}\quad (d^{1}(\phi ))(\sigma ,\tau )\,=\,\phi (\sigma )\phi (\tau )^{\sigma }/\phi (\sigma \tau ),}

where x g {\displaystyle x^{g}} denotes the image of the G {\displaystyle G} -module element x {\displaystyle x} under the action of the group element g G {\displaystyle g\in G} . Note that in the first of these we have identified a 0-cochain γ = γ b : G 0 = i d G L × {\displaystyle \gamma =\gamma _{b}:G^{0}=id_{G}\to L^{\times }} , with its unique image value b L × {\displaystyle b\in L^{\times }} . The triviality of the first cohomology group is then equivalent to the 1-cocycles Z 1 {\displaystyle Z^{1}} being equal to the 1-coboundaries B 1 {\displaystyle B^{1}} , viz.:

Z 1 = ker d 1 = { ϕ C 1  satisfying  σ , τ G : ϕ ( σ τ ) = ϕ ( σ ) ϕ ( τ ) σ }  is equal to  B 1 = im  d 0 = { ϕ C 1   : b L ×  such that  ϕ ( σ ) = b / b σ     σ G } . {\displaystyle {\begin{array}{rcl}Z^{1}&=&\ker d^{1}&=&\{\phi \in C^{1}{\text{ satisfying }}\,\,\forall \sigma ,\tau \in G\,\colon \,\,\phi (\sigma \tau )=\phi (\sigma )\,\phi (\tau )^{\sigma }\}\\{\text{ is equal to }}\\B^{1}&=&{\text{im }}d^{0}&=&\{\phi \in C^{1}\ \,\colon \,\,\exists \,b\in L^{\times }{\text{ such that }}\phi (\sigma )=b/b^{\sigma }\ \ \forall \sigma \in G\}.\end{array}}}

For cyclic G = { 1 , σ , , σ n 1 } {\displaystyle G=\{1,\sigma ,\ldots ,\sigma ^{n-1}\}} , a 1-cocycle is determined by ϕ ( σ ) = a L × {\displaystyle \phi (\sigma )=a\in L^{\times }} , with ϕ ( σ i ) = a σ ( a ) σ i 1 ( a ) {\displaystyle \phi (\sigma ^{i})=a\,\sigma (a)\cdots \sigma ^{i-1}(a)} and:

1 = ϕ ( 1 ) = ϕ ( σ n ) = a σ ( a ) σ n 1 ( a ) = N ( a ) . {\displaystyle 1=\phi (1)=\phi (\sigma ^{n})=a\,\sigma (a)\cdots \sigma ^{n-1}(a)=N(a).}

On the other hand, a 1-coboundary is determined by ϕ ( σ ) = b / b σ {\displaystyle \phi (\sigma )=b/b^{\sigma }} . Equating these gives the original version of the Theorem.

A further generalization is to cohomology with non-abelian coefficients: that if H is either the general or special linear group over L, including GL 1 ( L ) = L × {\displaystyle \operatorname {GL} _{1}(L)=L^{\times }} , then

H 1 ( G , H ) = { 1 } . {\displaystyle H^{1}(G,H)=\{1\}.}

Another generalization is to a scheme X:

H et 1 ( X , G m ) = H 1 ( X , O X × ) = Pic ( X ) , {\displaystyle H_{\text{et}}^{1}(X,\mathbb {G} _{m})=H^{1}(X,{\mathcal {O}}_{X}^{\times })=\operatorname {Pic} (X),}

where Pic ( X ) {\displaystyle \operatorname {Pic} (X)} is the group of isomorphism classes of locally free sheaves of O X × {\displaystyle {\mathcal {O}}_{X}^{\times }} -modules of rank 1 for the Zariski topology, and G m {\displaystyle \mathbb {G} _{m}} is the sheaf defined by the affine line without the origin considered as a group under multiplication.

There is yet another generalization to Milnor K-theory which plays a role in Voevodsky's proof of the Milnor conjecture.


Let L / K {\displaystyle L/K} be cyclic of degree n , {\displaystyle n,} and σ {\displaystyle \sigma } generate Gal ( L / K ) {\displaystyle \operatorname {Gal} (L/K)} . Pick any a L {\displaystyle a\in L} of norm

N ( a ) := a σ ( a ) σ 2 ( a ) σ n 1 ( a ) = 1. {\displaystyle N(a):=a\sigma (a)\sigma ^{2}(a)\cdots \sigma ^{n-1}(a)=1.}

By clearing denominators, solving a = x / σ 1 ( x ) L {\displaystyle a=x/\sigma ^{-1}(x)\in L} is the same as showing that a σ 1 ( ) : L L {\displaystyle a\sigma ^{-1}(\cdot ):L\to L} has 1 {\displaystyle 1} as an eigenvalue. We extend this to a map of L {\displaystyle L} -vector spaces via

{ 1 L a σ 1 ( ) : L K L L K L a σ 1 ( ) . {\displaystyle {\begin{cases}1_{L}\otimes a\sigma ^{-1}(\cdot ):L\otimes _{K}L\to L\otimes _{K}L\\\ell \otimes \ell '\mapsto \ell \otimes a\sigma ^{-1}(\ell ').\end{cases}}}

The primitive element theorem gives L = K ( α ) {\displaystyle L=K(\alpha )} for some α {\displaystyle \alpha } . Since α {\displaystyle \alpha } has minimal polynomial

f ( t ) = ( t α ) ( t σ ( α ) ) ( t σ n 1 ( α ) ) K [ t ] , {\displaystyle f(t)=(t-\alpha )(t-\sigma (\alpha ))\cdots \left(t-\sigma ^{n-1}(\alpha )\right)\in K※,}

we can identify

L K L L K K [ t ] / f ( t ) L [ t ] / f ( t ) L n {\displaystyle L\otimes _{K}L{\stackrel {\sim }{\to }}L\otimes _{K}K※/f(t){\stackrel {\sim }{\to }}L※/f(t){\stackrel {\sim }{\to }}L^{n}}


p ( α ) ( p ( α ) , p ( σ α ) , , p ( σ n 1 α ) ) . {\displaystyle \ell \otimes p(\alpha )\mapsto \ell \left(p(\alpha ),p(\sigma \alpha ),\ldots ,p(\sigma ^{n-1}\alpha )\right).}

Here we wrote the second factor as a K {\displaystyle K} -polynomial in α {\displaystyle \alpha } .

Under this identification, our map becomes

{ a σ 1 ( ) : L n L n ( p ( α ) , , p ( σ n 1 α ) ) ( a p ( σ n 1 α ) , σ a p ( α ) , , σ n 1 a p ( σ n 2 α ) ) . {\displaystyle {\begin{cases}a\sigma ^{-1}(\cdot ):L^{n}\to L^{n}\\\ell \left(p(\alpha ),\ldots ,p(\sigma ^{n-1}\alpha ))\mapsto \ell (ap(\sigma ^{n-1}\alpha ),\sigma ap(\alpha ),\ldots ,\sigma ^{n-1}ap(\sigma ^{n-2}\alpha )\right).\end{cases}}}

That is to say under this map

( 1 , , n ) ( a n , σ a 1 , , σ n 1 a n 1 ) . {\displaystyle (\ell _{1},\ldots ,\ell _{n})\mapsto (a\ell _{n},\sigma a\ell _{1},\ldots ,\sigma ^{n-1}a\ell _{n-1}).}

( 1 , σ a , σ a σ 2 a , , σ a σ n 1 a ) {\displaystyle (1,\sigma a,\sigma a\sigma ^{2}a,\ldots ,\sigma a\cdots \sigma ^{n-1}a)} is an eigenvector with eigenvalue 1 {\displaystyle 1} iff a {\displaystyle a} has norm 1 {\displaystyle 1} .

Thus, we may choose x = 1 + σ a + σ a σ 2 a + + σ a σ n 1 a {\displaystyle x=1+\sigma a+\sigma a\sigma ^{2}a+\ldots +\sigma a\cdots \sigma ^{n-1}a} .


  1. ^ Milne, "James S." (2013). "Lectures on Etale Cohomology (v2.21)" (PDF). p. 80.

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